I was a virgin until I was 36, I lost years of discovery but here’s why I don’t regret it

Remaining a virgin until age 36 was not this woman’s plan. However, she did not regret having waited so long when she discovered her sexuality.

Sexual experiences vary from person to person. According to a study carried out by Baromètre santé and published on the website of the National Institute of Demographic Studies, the average age at first sexual intercourse is 17.6 years for women and 17 years for men.

But this is not a reality for everyone. For our witness, the discovery of sex took place much later, since she remained a virgin until age 36. As she tells it, although she did not grow up in a religious environment, she modeled her lifestyle on Christian principles, such as avoiding temptation and doing the right thing, for example.

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Waiting for marriage

To explain her story, our heroine of the day specified that she had gone to college church until his twenties. She then met her first boyfriend at age 23. Their relationship lasted two years before they broke up. Six years then passed. The young woman was then engaged and delighted to get married. Her plans fell through when the one she considered to be the man of her life broke off his engagement.

She found herself single again, a month before the ceremony. She was 31 and didn’t know how to manage your sexual desires at this age. She began to worry when she saw that the long-awaited wedding had not yet taken place and that she remained a virgin.

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The discovery of his sexuality

It was at the age of 36 that she decided to take the plunge. “When my partner and I first started having sex, I struggled with feelings of inadequacy. I was new to this, and he wasn’t. Some positions hurt. For a while I needed lube every time. I was intimidated by his experience and my lack of it.” Initially, her quest for perfection and performance took her away from what she was looking for with her partnerthat is to say real intimacy.

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She therefore learned to know her body and understand her libido. And, she is rather satisfied with what she has experienced sexually, after 36 years. “Do I regret waiting? Yes and no. Now, at 39, I wish I had explored more at my sexual peak. I feel like I missed out on years of self-discovery. On the other hand, I recognize that the innocence of young love can lead us to give more than we are ready, and I am glad that I did not give beyond my preparation.”, she clarified. Before concluding : “In the same way, I am never too old to get to know the body in which I live…. I’ve probably had some of my best orgasms ever. But I think the best sex is still ahead of me.”

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