“I was the outsider” Lleeroy confides in his performance during the battles


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The second episode of the battles marked the viewers of The Voice. Chosen by his coach Amel Bent, Lleeroy returned in more detail to this very special stage of The Voice.

Every Saturday evening, TF1 broadcasts a new episode of the eleventh season The Voice. While viewers wonder about the state of health of coach Florent Pagny suffering from inoperable lung cancer, others question the role of Nolwenn Leroy in the show. Despite these few questions from some fans of the famous tele-hook, the adventure continues even more for the candidates who now compete in the battles.

In the episode of Saturday April 9, Florent Pagny, Marc Lavoine, Vianney, Amel Bent and Nolwenn Leroy had to part with several of their talents. A choice that is always complicated for coaches to make, even more so when the candidates compete in a three-way battle. This is the situation in which Amel Bent found himself in the battle between Lleeroy, Jérôme Sebag and David Lempell. At the end of the performance of the three singers, the interpreter of Aim for the moon finally decided to continue the adventure with Lleeroy.

The young man, who did not expect to be chosen at all, explained to us how he experienced this very emotional moment. “Amel says it herself, this battle is a bit like David against Goliath. Me who is a caregiver, I find myself facing two mastiffs who have a crazy technique… At that moment, I tell myself that everything is against me. I never thought I could qualify against them.”

Read also: The Voice: Amel Bent troubled by the performance of a candidate

Lleeroy, the UFO of The Voice battles

Proof that in life nothing is impossible, in addition to having been chosen by his coach, two other jurors (Marc Lavoine and Vianney) found him extremely talented. “When Marc Lavoine and Vianney tell me that they like my tone of voice, I was certainly touched, but I first said to myself that Florent Pagny did not like me. In fact, I thought back to the blind auditions where he hadn’t turned around, then again he didn’t compliment me… Then I put things into perspective by remembering that I was facing two great singers and that Plus I ended up winning the battle!”

If he explains that he had a very good affinity with Amel Bent, Lleroy goes on to say he struggled to fit in during training. “It was a bit complicated for me to really let go during coaching because David and Jérôme already knew each other before the show and in addition Jérôme has been working with Amel for years. So I felt a bit left out. David and Jérôme were trying to make an effort but they have such a strong and natural affinity that they don’t necessarily have with me… I was the outsider!”

A position that finally played to his advantage as he puts it so well “I had a lot of fun on stage. I had nothing to lose, everything to gain, so I let go and it worked for me. I interpreted the song in my own way and really it was that love it.” Lleeroy concludes the interview by saying that he went through all the emotions. From joy, to relief, to panic, he really experienced everything intensely.

When she’s not writing about pop culture, this art lover spends her free time scouring the capital’s museums (especially when admission is free). Also interested in cinema…

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