“I went to school with a lump in my stomach”

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On the occasion of the release of the documentary It starts like that, retracing her life and career, available on February 8 on Prime Video, Clara Luciani confided at length in the columns of Le Parisien, and in particular on the harassment that she suffered at school.

THE school harassment is unfortunately still and always relevant, and it can have serious consequences. Next Wednesday, February 8, a documentary called VSstarted like this, tracing frankly the life, career and all the journey that Clara Luciani has known to get to where she is today, will be available on the platform Prime Video. On the occasion of its upcoming release, the one who had a huge success with his song The grenadeoffered a moving testimonye in the columns of the Parisian.

For much of her schooling, the singer was victim of bullying due in particular because of its size. Clara Luciani has therefore become the target of much ridicule from his classmates. “It started when I was 6 years old. The others made fun of my height, she explains. I was already very tall. You can see it on my CP class photo, I’m the same size as the teacher. At 11, I was 1.76m tall. And then, I was at the top of the class, and a little weird girl, who liked to take refuge in books. And, when we have differences, it does not magnify, unfortunately. I was mocked : “The big asparagus! “, “What’s the weather like up there? “, ” You’re ugly “…

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“I felt rejected”

But this harassment did not stop at these malicious remarks. The harassment went further. “Clever little guys had fun putting thumbtacks or open ink cartridges on my chair… ”, she recalls. Words and actions that had an impact on the artist who was afraid to go to school. “It took on such proportions that I went to school with a lump in my stomach with the desire to disappear. I was very alone. I felt rejected, useless, ugly, and unable to fit into the mold. It lasted college time, she admits. During these years of suffering, Clara Luciani was able to count on the support of one of her teachers.

Fortunately, in his time, social networks did not yet exist. So much so that she managed to find a haven of peace when she returned home. “When I closed the door of my house, I was calm, surrounded by loving people and listening, she confides. It’s terrible to imagine that children can be persecuted at any time of the day or night. I’m so flabbergasted at how easily some people show up mean and aggressive on social networkswith impunity.”

Even today, at 30, when she gained self-confidence over the years, Clara Luciani admits to having kept indelible traces of these painful memories in her head. “When I see that at 30, although I am a well-built and fulfilled woman, I remain very sensitive to comments, I put myself in the shoes of a 13-year-old child who happens to be useless. And I think back to me at the same age“, she assures. Before specifying having found in art a “cure for everything”. “Writing saved my teenage years“, she says.

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