IA Jesus on Twitch; but how did it get there?

Samir Rahmoun

June 19, 2023 at 6:45 p.m.


Jesus robot AI electronic chips © Midjourney for Clubic.com

© Midjourney for Clubic.com

Artificial intelligence is being used today to create a chatbot embodying Jesus Christ, which can answer questions from misguided men.

If chatbots like ChatGPT or Bard can already amaze with their personality, which allows extremely fluid exchanges, the new AI that has just landed on Twitch pushes the surprise even further, with the figure of Christ descending into the channels. social networks.

When Jesus meets AI

Could generative AIs bring some wisdom among humans? At first glance, no, this technology only relies on information that already exists. But some technology players are still trying initiatives, such as the American activist group Singularity Group.

The latter, who specializes in philanthropic projects using technological innovations, created a chatbot called “AI Jesus” in March 2023. He currently has 40,600 subscribers and can respond on Twitch at any time to users, to all sorts of questions, from the lightest to the most provocative.

Twitch © XanderSt / Shutterstock.com

Twitch, the new Church? © XanderSt / Shutterstock.com

The chatbot has memory

The AI, using GPT-4 technology, and trained from biblical writings and about Jesus, is in no way a parody account according to its creators. ” We began to realize, with all these innovations related to artificial intelligence, that the latter must imperatively be supervised in a responsible way. “, explained the co-founder of the group Reese Leysen in an interview with the American channel NBC.

And in order for the AI ​​to reach Internet users more directly, it has been equipped with the ability to remember previous exchanges, allowing it to refine its answers over time and to quote the questions it has been asked in the pass. This artificial intelligence is thus intended to be a chatbot capable of ” reason », with a primary function which is discussion. In order to bring existential clarifications to people who feel lost?



  • Chat in different languages, including French
  • Generate, translate and get a text summary
  • Generate, optimize and correct code

Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a conversational agent based on the GPT-3 language model. This chat platform uses deep learning and artificial intelligence to understand and interpret user queries, then generate relevant responses.

Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a conversational agent based on the GPT-3 language model. This chat platform uses deep learning and artificial intelligence to understand and interpret user queries, then generate relevant responses.

Source : BFM-TV

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