Ian Brossat’s misogynistic behavior


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“Madame Dati, it’s me speaking”, this is how the elected Communist Ian Brossat addressed Rachida Dati, LR mayor of the 7th arrondissement, during the Paris Council this Wednesday, October 13. Disrespectful behavior that is part of a long sexist tradition in politics.

Whether or not we agree with the ideas of the old Sarkozy Keeper of the Sealstarget = “_ blank”> Rachida Dati, the fact remains that, unlike her male counterparts, she has faced sexist and racist attacks throughout her career. Already, Elisabeth Chevalet – in her book Rachida Dati never dies – revealed, in 2013, the comments made by Geoffroy Didier, the deputy secretary general of the UMP: “This girl should have stolen mopeds in the suburb of Chalon.” Words which attest to an obvious contempt for class and which refer to those uttered by Ian Brossat: “Madame Dati, it’s me speaking. And in this case, even when I was a teacher at Sarcelles, the students were silent. So you are going to do the same”. On Twitter, several political figures reacted to this altercation. “These words are shameful and unworthy of an elected representative of the Republic. Debate and political disagreements must never be a pretext for class contempt and insults “, commented Damien Abad, president of the LR group at the National Assembly. The elected EELV Sandrine Rousseau, despite her political disagreement, “finds this remark very specious” and adds: “Between the dismissal of an elected student and the reference to the neighborhood … I don’t know”.


The impunity of the political class

And in terms of insults and insults, all political parties are concerned. Thus, the Member of the National Assembly Mathilde Pannot was treated as “crazy” and of “fishmonger” by Pierre Henriet (LREM), MP for Vendée, in February 2021. In addition, in 2013, MP EELV, Véronique Massoneautarget = “_ blank”>, had been cackled by UMP deputy Philippe Le Ray. Even chosen for Alice Thourot, LREM member of the Drôme, in 2017.

As the presidential elections approach, Sandrine Rousseau has also borne the brunt of this institutionalized misogyny. During the ecological primaries, CNEWS columnist Guillaume Bigot had called him “Postmenopausal Greta Thunberg”. This made the elected environmentalist and LGBTQIA + activist Alice Coffin say that: “Sexist insults are every day, every hour during this campaign. How can we still think that the presidential election offers a real democratic ground for women? The game is loaded, to manage to be a candidate, to present his project, under these conditions , is almost impossible “. This reminds us of the extent of the road that remains to be covered in terms of gender equality,

Ines Abron

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