“Ibrahim A. was repeatedly verbally aggressive”


Candles and flowers in a bus shelter at Brokstedt train station. Two young people were killed and five others injured in a knife attack on a regional train from Kiel to Hamburg near Brokstedt on January 25.
Image: dpa

The Hamburg Senator for Justice described Ibrahim A. as “unobtrusive”. But the prisoner file of the suspected knife assassin von Brokstedt apparently contains several indications of extremism.

Nfter it became known that Brokstedt’s suspected attacker had previously made extremist statements in prison, the pressure on Hamburg’s Justice Senator Anna Gallina (Greens) increased. “If it turns out to be true that Ibrahim A. was able to threaten assassination attempts while in prison and was nevertheless released without consequences, Senator for Justice Gallina will finally be unstoppable,” said Dennis Thering, chairman of the opposition CDU parliamentary group of the Hamburg Parliament, on Monday with. “Crucial information was withheld from the Judiciary Committee,” Thering said. The CDU now wants to request a special meeting of the committee.

Julian Staib

Political correspondent for northern Germany and Scandinavia based in Hamburg.

Cansu Özdemir, spokeswoman for judicial policy for the parliamentary group Die Linke, also announced that relevant information was withheld from the opposition and the public at the judiciary committee meeting last Thursday. A special session is inevitable, Senator Gallina must draw conclusions. “It’s enough now,” said Özdemir. AfD faction leader Dirk Nockemann described Gallina as a “total failure” and spoke of “judicial failure”.


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