Ice rink project fix – billionaire pays half the costs for KAC arena

The redesign of the KAC hall is fixed. A modernization of the home of the red jackets is planned. Cost: 8.69 million euros. KAC President Heidi Goess-Horten will take over 4.3 million of these. The work has already started. The city senate dealt with it on Tuesday. “The negotiations are over,” says city manager Christian Scheider.

The renovation of the KAC hall was a candy from Maria-Luise Mathiaschitz before the municipal council elections in March. It didn’t help the ex-SP mayor. Now her successor Christian Scheider has to take care of it. The renovation work began immediately after the KAC won the title, and the financing is now also fixed.

Heidi Goess-Horten as a generous patron
Billionaire Heidi Goess-Horten pays half of the cost of 8.69 million euros. The money is deposited in an escrow account. The federal government has pledged support of 3.25 million. The sum will increase by 0.8 million euros after another funding project has been withdrawn. The city of Klagenfurt will pay the remaining amount of 350,000 euros. The usage agreement between the trade fair and KAC will be extended until 2055.

KAC manager Oliver Pilloni was present at the city senate meeting: “The quality of vision for the fans will be improved during the renovation. The concerns of the fan clubs are taken into account. ”The“ Urban Regional Cockpit ”project by department head Günter Koren is also being implemented. The databases of several cities with climate, air or noise data will be networked with one another in the future.

Community center in Wölfnitz is rebuilt
It was decided to build a new community center in Wölfnitz and expand the pedestrian zone in Osterwitzgasse. The girls’ center with the aim of reducing violence in the family area is given special support.

VP country manager Julia Löschnig, who will become a mother for the first time in December, is already on maternity leave. However, she will still be doing her job as city party leader for the next few weeks.
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