“If God existed, he would be called…”: Serge Lama totally fan of a great legend

He is a timeless singer and at 79 years old today, Serge Lama continues his brilliant career. The singer from Bordeaux has decided to bow out, but not without one last gift. This Friday, the interpreter of I am sick releases his latest album, soberly titled To like. If we therefore know very well his passion for song, the latter is also a fan of sport and more particularly of tennis. A sport that is so important in his life that he even dedicated one of the songs from this ultimate album to his favorite player, Roger Federer. With Roger Federer’s gesturehe proclaims all his love for the Swiss player, considered one of the greatest tennis players in history.

In interview for The Team a few days ago, Serge Lama opened up about his love for tennis, which started with an admiration for another player. “I was crazy about Borg, almost missing concerts. No kidding! When he played in the afternoon, I sometimes had to travel 150 kilometers to reach the hall, but, until the last minute, I couldn’t take off television. You can’t know the passion I had for this guy when (John) McEnroe never impressed me too much”he says.

No sport has given me happiness like those blessed years of tennis, none!

Lover of the little yellow ball, the singer had a real crush when he saw Roger Federer play for the first time. “The first memory of Federer that marked me was his round of 16 in Flushing (in 2003) (…) I said to myself: ‘There is something going on'”, continues Serge Lama. A passion that has not left him for years. “A tennis nut, I tell you! No sport has given me happiness like those blessed years of tennis, none!”assures the husband of the beautiful Luana, who dares a very daring comparison: “If God existed, his name would be Federer. God because the player opposite had to say to himself at times: “But how does he do all this, how?”, it was so technically difficult…”.

In love with Roger Federer, Serge Lama must have shed his tears a few weeks ago during the last game of his career. With his latest album and the song he dedicated to him, the French singer could not pay him a more beautiful tribute.

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