If the queen puts her bag on the table, you have to leave.

Once you enter the royal family, you never leave it. And this despite a divorce or a move.


It is forbidden to touch a member of the royal family without his permission, and it is also valid between them.


When we imagine the life of the royal family of England, we tend to think of it as a fairy tale. Palaces, jewels, carriages, galas, red carpets…

But members of the royal family must also respect a specific set of behaviors, an “Etiquette”. This is aprotocolvery serious that must be respected to the letter within royalty in Great Britain. If there is nothing surprising in that, it is rather these rules to follow that may seem very surprising. And it’s no joke since the Queen herself cannot repeal them!

Discover 50 of these rules incredible that the royal family of England must respect to the letter.

It’s not always easy to be part of the British royal family. Everyday life is sometimes more like a priesthood than a party!

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If you want to act like royalty, here is the description of the official royal handshake:
> keep eye contact with the person in front of you,
> grasp his hand firmly, but not too much,
> shake once or twice (no more!) and
> make your smile brightest!

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The royal family takes mealtime very seriously. In order not to make a mistake, Kate and William must take care to hold their knife in their right hand and the fork in their left with the teeth down. And instead of stabbing their food, they balance it on the back of their fork, then bring it to their mouth. Acrobatic!

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When the royal family marches in procession, the family members must enter and be seated according to the order of precedence: that is, according to the order of accession to the throne.

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The clothes worn by members of the British royal family must not convey any ambiguous message. Kate and William must remain chic and sober in all circumstances!

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No tattoos for members of the royal family.This summer, it will be missed again if we hope one day to see Kate Middleton swimming with a dragon on her shoulder!

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To go out, Kate Middleton must exclusively draw from the Crown Jewels!

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If Kate has a thing for wedge sandals, the Queen recently let her know they were inelegant. She will therefore have to stick to more classic heels from now on.

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True reverence for women, heads bowed for men! Nobody cuts it.

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Dining at Buckingham Palace requires certain behaviors that fall under the code of conduct.
Indeed, during a dinner in the presence of the queen, the guests – as well as the members of the royal family – must stop tasting what is on their plates as soon as “The Queen” stops eating!

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When the queen rises, everyone must be careful to do the same!

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Pasta is never on the menu when the queen receives or is present. She also does not eat potatoes and rice.

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Members of the royal family should always fold their towels in half after wiping their mouths, so that stains are not visible to anyone.

© Getty Images / Reza Estakhrian

When the queen puts her handbag on the table, it is a clear signal for her interlocutors to indicate that it is time to leave.

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Obligation for the women of the English court to sit in a very precise way: legs or ankles crossed in order to avoid “accidents”!

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    If the press nicknames the Duchess of Cambridge “Kate”, within the royal family, it is Catherine and nothing else! Ditto for Will, who will never be called that in Buckingham.

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    The queen’s dogs are her whole life. They have the right to do whatever they want. And she alone has the right to reprimand them!

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    Question of modesty and propriety, at the English court, one covers his neckline!

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    Members of the royal family must always have their hair done well! It’s brushing every day.

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    For this, the members of the royal family go to the hairdresser 2 or even 3 times a week! Just that !

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    A question of convenience and chic, Kate exclusively wears clutches or bags that she holds in her hand! Never on the shoulder!

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    the tea time demands a specific way of drinking his tea that members of the royal family must respect! Tea is served at 4 p.m. with something to eat. Only the cup should be lifted, not the little finger or the saucer. When not drinking, the cup should rest on the saucer.

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    No nail polish for Kate! Not by coquetry but by protocol. Only an ultra natural beauty treatment is accepted at the court of her majesty.

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    This is contrary to the beliefs of the royal family (except for the ermine of Her Majesty the Queen’s ceremonial dress).

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    When traveling, members of the royal family must all carry a black outfit in their suitcase in case a member of the family dies during an official trip abroad.

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      Like nail polish, streaks of color are prohibited for Kate.

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      No hair extensions either!

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      Members of the royal family must be able to speak several languages ​​so that they never feel lost when traveling abroad. Prince George has even already started Spanish lessons!

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      Ritual obliges: the royal family exchanges its gifts during tea time on Christmas Eve.

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      The Queen’s property in Norfolk is the royal family’s Christmas stopover. All these little people must be present a week before for the preparations!

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      Members of the royal family are obliged to accept all the gifts they are offered, even if they are sometimes strange!

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      Members of the Royal Family cannot be touched by non-Royalties. Hands off !

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      According to the “Royal Marriages Act” of 1772, royal descendants must seek permission from the monarch before marrying.

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      When they marry, the members of the royal family receive a new title. Kate Middleton has become Duchess of Cambridge.

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      If Kate and William never hold hands in public, it’s simply to respect protocol. As part of their official duties – in other words their “job” – they are forbidden to act as a couple.

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      For female members of the royal family, hats are appropriate for all official and seasonal events, but also for religious ceremonies such as baptisms, weddings, enthronements or coronations.

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      Wearing the tiara is an art, only married women have the right to it at the English court and the latter must be perfectly inclined at 45 degrees!

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      At six o’clock in the afternoon, the women must exchange their hat for their tiara.

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      Whether it’s raining, snowing or blowing, Prince George always wears shorts! Because yes, at the Cambridges, little boys wear shorts until they are eight years old. Tradition obliges, summer and winter alike, little Prince George is a subscriber to Bermuda shorts!

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      During trips and performances, the small family must match the colors of their clothes as well as possible!

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      We are more used to seeing Kate in a skirt or a dress. It’s not surprising, pants are only allowed to him during daytime outings!

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      A big fan of the pencil skirt or the midi skirt or even the dresses that go up to the ankles, Kate varies her outfits to the rhythm of her travels. And of course the short skirt is prohibited for questions of elegance and practicality!

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      The closer we are to the queen, the more important we are!

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      There is an unwritten rule that multiple royal heirs cannot travel together in order to protect the royal lineage should anything happen to one of them.

      But since the birth of Prince George in 2013, Prince William has requested special permission from Queen Elizabeth II to break this tradition followed until now!

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      Traditionally, the children of the royal family have a role to play in a princely wedding.

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      If one day you were hoping to get an autograph from Kate Middleton, know that you can immediately forget that thought! The Duchess of Cambridge has been banned. The reason ?Royal protocol prohibits members of the royal family from doing so,because the signature could be taken, reproduced and even falsified.

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      In fear of food poisoning in the middle of an official trip, the members of the royal family have never tasted seafood!

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      For the same reasons they can’t eat seafood either: to avoid food poisoning and that it doesn’t change their schedule!

      © iStock

      Queen Elizabeth II hates garlic, so it’s banned from all meals at Buckingham Palace and hasin order to avoid any smelly disappointment during a diplomatic conversation…

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        Royalty and professional career do not mix! Kate Middleton’s Art History degree should therefore not be of much use to her.

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        As strange as it may seem, the royal family does not have the right to play Monopoly deemed “too barbaric”!

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        The Queen and other members of the Royal Family are allowed to vote, but they do not because it would be considered unconstitutional and against the rule of neutrality. It’s a family tradition.

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        For the same reasons that prevent them from voting, they cannot engage in politics.

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        The bouquet is an essential part of English court weddings and the bride’s bouquet is filled with symbolism. The myrtle is an indispensable element: a tradition that Kate Middleton – like all brides before her – has respected.

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