if you are a homeowner, you may need to correct your return like millions of people

Since 2023, the tax authorities have asked owners to complete an additional declaration to determine whether their accommodation is taxable or not. But millions of people have not yet provided this information to the tax authorities.

Two years ago, the tax authorities introduced something new in the owners’ declaration. Indeed, the latter had to specify why they occupy their real estate, “in order to precisely determine the owners still liable for housing tax or the tax on vacant housing”, as specified by the tax administration.

As a reminder, this declaration allows you to know which owners still have to pay housing tax to the extent that this tax has been abolished for main residences but it remains applicable for secondary residences. Result, the 34 million owners must complete this declaration whether they own a primary or secondary residence.

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More than 6 million taxpayers affected

Currently, the tax authorities indicate that among the 34 million taxpayers who were required to complete this declaration, 82% completed it correctly. The 2023 activity report of the General Directorate of Public Finances (DGFiP) indicates: “In terms of figures, we had more than 82% of property owners who made their declaration.” So, 18% have not yet completed this declaration that’s to say 6.12 million taxpayers.

According to the administration, this figure is explained by a tax campaign “marked by too many difficulties, especially for a Department whose quality of service provided to users constitutes one of the pillars: difficulties for users to understand the objective of the declaration, communication undoubtedly insufficient or at least room for improvement “. However, the tax authorities do not intend to apply any sanctions as this is the first year of application. The idea is therefore to concentrate on pedagogy. Please note that owners still risk a fine of 150 euros “in the event of non-declaration, error, omission or incomplete declaration”.

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How to complete this declaration?

The owners have until July 1, 2024 to fulfill this famous declaration, if it had not been done before. “This year, you must make a declaration of real estate before July 1, only if you did not do so last year or in the event of a change in your situation,” the taxman said. However, if you had already completed this declaration and no change in your situation has occurred since then, you have nothing to do. The tax authorities specify that updates can be made throughout the year in the event of a change of occupation.

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To complete this declaration, simply go to the section Real estate on your personal space. The occupancy data is pre-filled based on the data available to the administration. All you have to do is validate the declaration or correct it in case of an error. Sending a paper form is possible for people who do not wish to complete the process online.

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