If you want to use Internet Explorer one last time, it’s now

The Internet Explorer web browser will be discontinued on June 15, 2022 after more than 25 years of existence. The opportunity to take a last tour before the big trip.

Article updated on June 14 at 10:15 a.m.

From June 15, 2022, memes on Internet Explorer will be sadder. Indeed, Microsoft has announced the end of its web browser forever, after more than 25 years of existence. “The future of Internet Explorer on Windows 10 is in Microsoft Edge”, said Sean Lyndersay, program manager of Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer’s replacement since 2015, in a post on the company’s blog on May 20, 2021 to announce the news.

And to add: “Microsoft Edge not only provides a faster, safer, and more modern browsing experience than Internet Explorer, but it can also address a major issue: compatibility with older websites and apps. »

The slow death of Internet Explorer

It must be said that for some time now the American firm has been pushing hard to switch its users to its new browser, which it is enriching more and more: installation in the Windows update, security message, end of support security, etc. And to convince diehards of IE, some websites searched in the browser no longer open, except on Edge.

This is the case of YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and other Google services, sites of major brands or banks… Also, since November 30, Microsoft Teams is no longer supported by Internet Explorer 11, and at Starting August 17, other Microsoft 365 apps and services will no longer support IE 11.

Ease the transition

Sean Lyndersay went on to explain that Microsoft Edge has an Internet Explorer mode that will allow users to seamlessly access websites and apps based on the old browser, making the transition easier. “With Microsoft Edge able to take on this responsibility and more, the Internet Explorer 11 desktop app will be retired and unsupported on June 15, 2022 for certain versions of Windows 10”, Microsoft said. So while Windows 10 Long Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) will continue to include Internet Explorer, consumer versions will no longer be compatible with the browser.

This decision was inevitable. For some years Microsoft considered its browser as a simple compatibility solution, even calling the use of IE as the default browser dangerous.

Microsoft Edge now meets 8% of browser users, just ahead of Mozilla Firefox (7.97%). With this trend, Microsoft’s browser could quickly take second place in the market to Safari (10%), far behind Chrome and its more than 60%. Microsoft seems to succeed in its bet to oust Internet Explorer from its bosom.

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