“I’ll get you over”: The drollest word creations of our children

“I’ll rush you over, mom”
The funniest word creations our children have created

© Alena Ozerova / Shutterstock

We never forget our children’s word creations because they are often hilarious. Here come bon mots that parents shared with us.

Children sometimes rob us of the last nerve or our whole mind, of course, but they also make us laugh. And that can save us the day!

The nice thing about living with children is, among other things, that they see the world with new eyes and that we also look at familiar things with fresh eyes. And for a new world you also need new words – how else can it be described?

Fascination downstairs: Popapier and Klolette

Children’s words are often much more appropriate than the terms used by adults. It is indisputable that “Auto-Po” is much more appropriate for the rear of the family carriage than the bulky “trunk”.

The “Auto-Po” is just one of many children’s bonmots that the mom of two @DontTrustTheRabbit shares on Twitter. Another highlight of their family life is this dialogue:

We think @DontTrustTheRabbit’s posts are so beautiful that we asked parents on Facebook what terms and comments their children use to surprise them. Here come your contributions.

  • We have “pop paper” on the toilet
  • With us something is often “paparized”
  • “Music banner” for radio antenna
  • With us, the following will no longer be called any different after our 3-year-old named it like that: “Dattel im Bacon” is now called “Dachshund”
  • Our daughter often has “mountains of happiness” on the toilet (the toilet paper stays clean)
  • My little one once hurt his “back stomach”
  • “Papengschier” for wrapping paper (my daughter), “Farmer’s Bear” for little peasant (my son)
  • We often have “Dead Mate” (tomato) or “Olle Rine” (mandarin) to eat
  • The “foot thumb”
  • “Mom, the vacation box is still in my room” (suitcase)
  • “Osti-Hop” for Easter bunny
  • “Unicorns” for squirrels !!
  • We don’t have a toilet but a “Klolette”
  • “I rush you over” (I surprise you)
  • “Dalmatian horse” (gray)
  • My daughter just got a “Bamboli” (trampoline)
  • “Baby cherries” for currants
  • My daughter always wins “high-rise”, otherwise she goes for the “chocolate biscuits” …
  • “All tree” for forest
