Illegal construction projects – Construction scandal in Verbier declared over – News


The canton of Valais comes to the conclusion that the municipality is currently complying with the applicable building law.

After the scandal surrounding dozens of illegally built chalets in Verbier, the canton of Valais is repealing the special supervision procedure. The municipality of Val de Bagnes has introduced measures to ensure strict compliance with building regulations.

«Dossiers put in order»

The municipality had implemented the corrective measures requested by the State Council and individually re-examined and decided on all past dossiers that had to be put in order, according to a media conference. In spring 2016, the State Council opened the procedure for special supervision in connection with the illegal construction.

After an investigation, the canton has now come to the conclusion that the municipality is currently complying with the applicable building law and is acting in accordance with its obligations. However, the State Council states that the municipality must take urgent measures in two cases that violate the second home legislation to a particularly significant extent. However, it is not up to the canton to become active in such dossiers itself, the cantonal government emphasized to the media.

What are the consequences for the chalet owners?

SRF correspondent Roger Brunner does not expect the decisions to have major consequences for the owners of the properties concerned. Because: «In 2018 the cantonal building law was revised. Most cases have been legalized with it.” Demanding deconstructions is difficult. Furthermore, the right to property is firmly enshrined in the constitution.

For the local politicians responsible at the time, however, it was different. “There are still criminal proceedings going on,” said SRF correspondent Roger Brunner.

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