
That evening was particularly cold. The last passers-by rushed back to get warm. A woman stopped in front of the Christmas tree with her daughter, in the middle of the large open square. The holiday season had always been her favorite. The tree was magnificent. Huge, illuminated, its decorations dazzled all passers-by. Night was falling, the lights were on and the magic was happening.
– Do you remember when we made our own Christmas balls?
She shook her head innocently.
– You always loved putting on glitter. You said it was to keep the light among us a little longer. Your eyes were filled with sparkles every time you finished a decoration. You could stand for hours in front of that poor, almost thornless fir tree that we had found in the forest. You picked him up and that's only why we brought him back because everyone thought he was awful. Anyway, until you decorate it.
She squeezed her frail little hand wrapped in a red glove.
– If magicians exist, sure you are! It must have been the glitter, I'm sure now.
She shivered in her slightly oversized coat. For a second, the young woman thought to herself that she should have put on warmer clothes, at that age, that was important.
– Ah these decoration workshops! I miss it a bit now that you live far away. Would you like to do more? she asked, looking down to his face glued to the Christmas tree whose lights were reflected in his amazed eyes.
She shrugged evasively.
– Don't know.
– It would be great ! We would take ribbons, paint, garlands of all colors and glitter! As you remember in the past
The young woman looked at her large blue eyes with gusto, haggard before smiling tenderly.
– It's okay if you don't remember, Mom. We'll redo the decorations with Alice and Valentine, your grandchildren, you know?
The old woman raised a completely lost gaze to her daughter's face and reddened eyes. She looked at her sadly and in the face of the silence that dragged on, she ended up saying:
– Come on, let's go home for a hot chocolate …