I’m 25 and I’m a sex addict, I can’t stop masturbating (even at work)

We know that sex brings many benefits to physical and mental health. However, when it becomes an addiction, daily life can be problematic. This is the experience told to us by a woman undergoing treatment.

Relationships and practices around sex are less and less taboo subjects in our society. This allows us to understand and open up to situations with kindness. Consequently, many testimonies appear to explain unusual disorders. It’s the case for this young woman of 25 years old addicted to sex. She talks about her daily life in order to give answers to people who experience the same problems as her.

Thanks to his story, communication around addiction is open. She explains her feelings and the experiences she had to face. However, just as it does today, its content aims to encourage nymphomaniacs to become aware of this evil and to begin a healing process in order to live a more serene daily life. Indeed, even if sex is good for physical and mental health, it can trigger chaotic days.

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A traumatic and unbalanced childhood because of his family life

The magazine New York Post publishes a testimony from a sex addict. This young woman had, herself, told her story on the American platform Reddit. And the least we can say is that this story is poignant. This person declares, anonymously, that he had a traumatic and unequal childhood. “My mother was a drug addict (and possibly a sex addict) and growing up in our house was a revolving door of men she dated”, she announces. Her everyday life becomes a nightmare.

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Gradually, she begins to practicing sex constantly. No place escapes its impulses. And after the death of his mother, his sex addiction grew. Visits to fetish clubs are his refuge. She states in particular that she continued while driving. She writes : “I would only stop masturbating because of the physical pain from the amount of friction there, just like I only stop masturbating when my hand hurts too much”. In addition to filling his daily life, his sex addiction also destroys his social and professional life.

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Relationships and jobs ruined because of sex addiction

Following his behavior dictated by his sex addiction, his relationships completely deteriorated. First, it is his professional life that is impacted. She states: “I’m late for work every day because I started masturbating instead of leaving the house only to panic when I’m done and rush to work, usually forgetting things”. His urges are at the forefront of his mind.

But that’s not all. His behavior is not more livable for family and loved ones. Because of her sexual disorders, she hurts those around her. On the platform Redditshe writes : “I’ve ruined friendships because I slept with my friends’ boyfriends, my sister doesn’t talk to me because I was with her husband”. Despite this difficult daily life, this 25-year-old young woman has started a therapy to get out of this addiction inasmuch as nymphomaniac and above all to understand it.

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Physical well-being, mental well-being, sexology, feminism, education, psychology, politics… Discover with Léna a caring and rejuvenating universe through her shares on AuFéminin. Aware of the importance of maintaining a balance…

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