“I’m 40 and here are the 3 things I wish someone had told me about sex after 40”

As we age, the body undergoes upheavals. If you are approaching forty and you are in the middle of a period of questioning, here are 3 interesting things to know about sex after 40.

40 is considered the age of maturity on different points: professionally, socially, emotionally, and often sexually. Indeed, this is the age when discoveries from a sexual point of view are over. It is quite common that in your forties, different sexual experiences have been experienced, thus allowing a certain maturity to be more fulfilled and more comfortable sexually.

However, despite this experience for some people, quarantine can also be accompanied by certain inconveniences such as a decrease in the frequency of sexual intercourse. The routine that sets in, the mental overload, the feelings that weaken…Several factors impact libido at 40. It is therefore important to be more attentive on a daily basis, and not to hesitate to try new sexual experiences. Many questions arise in your forties, and you might be surprised to know these 3 things to know about sex after 40.

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Inevitable physical changes, but….

It’s inevitable, with age, women experience hormonal upheavals, accompanied by vaginal dryness. This can strongly impact the sexual relations, making them painful and uncomfortable. However, this is not inevitable!

There are solutions for this, such as lubricants, which will make you forget these inconveniences and can even increase your pleasure tenfold. An advice : don’t make the subject taboo and talk to your partner about it to better cope with the situation.

Greater sexual satisfaction

40 years old, the prime of life? Women in their 40s have greater self-confidence, generally feel more comfortable in their bodies and more easily express their desire to have greater control over their sexuality.

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They are ready for new experiences and thus experience a greater sexual satisfaction. Take advantage, sex at 40 has surprises in store for you!

New pleasures to discover

After several years as a couple, or at least several years of regular sex, don’t let boredom settle into your sex life. Know vary the pleasures and discover new ways to experience your sexuality: massages, oral stimulation, masturbation…

There are several ways to improve your sexual pleasure and satisfaction. Be open to new forms of pleasure.

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