I’m a beautician and here are 3 things you absolutely must stop doing to have beautiful skin

A beautician reveals 3 very common bad habits that prevent us from having beautiful skin. We bet you’re making mistake number 3?

There are habits that die hard even though they totally ruin all the efforts we make in choosing the best anti-aging treatments to fight against wrinkles and highly effective anti-imperfection products to have clear skin. . This is why Louis, a beautician who shares her many pro tips and Action beauty products not to buy on her social networks, recently unveiled a video listing the 3 unsuspected habits that damage our skingive us spots and redness without us even noticing it.

Among these 3 things that he “do not recommend as a beautician”, the skincare expert mentions the use of some very common beauty accessories in the beauty routine, as well as a beauty product that we all use at least once a week. We reveal to you what are these bad reflexes that prevent you from having beautiful skin and we explain to you why.

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These 3 unsuspected habits that prevent you from having beautiful skin

  • Using a shower flower to wash

LThe shower flower is one of those beauty accessories that are commonly used for washing, but it is also an accessory that hangs around in the bathroom and can quickly become a real breeding ground for bacteria due to stagnation in the humidity on the edge of the bathtub. Even if you make sure to rinse them carefully after each use, they quickly give rise to pimples or irritate the skin. “The best thing is the hand!” reminds the beautician to all those who are looking for an alternative to wash. And above all, if you use it anyway, don’t forget to change your shower flower regularly to avoid this problem.

  • Exfoliate with a grain scrub

​​​​​​​Although we generally turn to them because of their texture which makes us feel like they are more effective, grain scrubs are far from being the best for the skin. The presence of grains in their formulas sometimes even proves to be very abrasive, especially for sensitive and reactive skin. In addition to irritating the skin and leaving redness (and sometimes even irritant spots!), the grains of scrubs can cause micro-lesions on the surface of the skin and force it to protect itself by producing more sebum. In short, using grain scrubs on your body and face is clearly not the best solution for boosting cell renewal.

  • Applying makeup with dirty brushes

This is a very bad habit, but unfortunately it is quite widespread. According to a British study relayed by the New York Post, makeup brushes that are not cleaned often enough or not well enough are breeding grounds for germs. They would even be as dirty as the toilet bowl, that’s saying something! Their hair often contains bacteria that is not good for your skin and can make it more sensitive and more prone to breakouts. Remember to clean your makeup brushes regularly, it can make all the difference in having beautiful skin.

Passionate about writing and beauty, Elodie swaps her lipstick for her laptop to find you the best makeup, hair and skincare trends, and professional tips…

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