I’m a dentist and here are the common mistakes to avoid to have beautiful teeth

A dentist reveals common mistakes that should be avoided to keep beautiful, healthy teeth. And some are quite surprising! We tell you everything.

Many people hate going to the dentist! However, this annual appointment is essential to keep our teeth healthy. This allows us to check that we do not have cavities but also to carry out scaling. To avoid unpleasant surprises during our appointment with the dentist, it is important to take care of your teeth all year round. A dentist reveals to us the common mistakes to avoid for the good of our teeth.

THE Dr. Lawrence Smith explains how to maintain your oral hygiene. His first tip is to always brush your teeth after breakfast and not before. Indeed, according to Doctor Smith it is necessary wait 30 minutes after breakfast is finished. “Brushing your teeth before breakfast can weaken the enamel and acidic or sugary foods eaten afterwards can have a negative effect”, he explains. Moreover, “waiting 30 minutes after eating allows saliva to rebalance your pH levels, to remineralize teeth and to help prevent cavities and gum disease.

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Steps to avoid to maintain oral hygiene

Concerning mouthwashes, the doctor recommends do not do them right after brushing. It’s best to wait at least 30 minutes before using mouthwash.” In addition, many foods and drinks color teeth. He therefore advises drink water right after have consumed these foods. The right actions to adopt during your routine are: brush your teeth twice a day, floss once a day and see a dentist every six months.

Other mistakes to avoid according to the dentist: “don’t rub your teeth.” Aggressive brushing can damage enamel and gums. You should also avoid ice, vapes and biting your nails. But also to eat sweets after a meal. Finally, in the evening after brushing your teeth, only water is allowed. “It is very important for oral health that Brushing should be the last thing you do before going to bed, the only exception being drinking water.” concludes Dr. Smith.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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