“I’m a professional hairdresser and here’s the right frequency to change your hairbrush”

If dentists recommend changing your toothbrush every three months, what about our hairbrush? Is it also perishable? A professional hairdresser answers.

Did you know that a hairbrush can be replaced? Just like toothbrushes, hairbrushes are perishable and therefore need to be changed regularly. At the risk of bacteria accumulating there and contaminating your scalp. So, when was the last time you changed your hairbrush?

A priori, if you have a hairbrush, you use it daily. It is therefore worth taking a closer look. We are all committed to maintaining impeccable hygiene with our beauty accessories. Whether it’s our powder brushes, or the ones we use to apply eyeshadow. But it is possible to forget certain accessories including the hairbrush which nevertheless provides clues allowing you to know when it is time to say goodbye.

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A hairbrush should be changed approximately once a year.

And here’s how often you should replace your hairbrush according to a professional hairstylist. “Most people will probably need to replace it after about a year”, explains Jenna Spino, stylist at Maxine Salon in Chicago, to the media Real Simple. Before adding: “It depends on how often you use the brush, how often you clean it, how you store it, and the quality of the brush.” But then, how do you know when to replace it?

According to the professional, there are certain signs that indicate that it is time to buy a new hairbrush. To know :

  • Missing hairs: the professional hairstylist explains that when a hairbrush’s bristles are missing, it’s time to replace it.
  • Deformed hairs: Even if all the bristles on your hairbrush are intact, if one is bent or melted, it’s time to replace it.
  • Cracks: If your hairbrush has cracks, whether in the cushion, trim, coating, or even the handle, you need to replace it.
  • An accumulation : Any buildup stuck on the brush means your hairbrush has been put to good use and should now be discarded.

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How to extend the life of your hairbrush?

Even if the professional hairdresser indicates that a hairbrush should be thrown away if it begins to show signs of wear, there are still some ways to keep it longer. To do this, you just need to maintain it correctly. “You should remove the hair from the brush after each use to prevent it from building up,” explains the professional hairdresser.

Before adding: “Hairbrushes should be cleaned at least once a month and left to dry.” And if you’re ready to replace your old hairbrush, the expert recommends choosing a hairbrush with a blend of boar and nylon bristles.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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