I’m a professional makeup artist and here are the ideal lipstick shades if you have thin lips

It’s not always easy to find the ideal lipstick color! And as this professional makeup artist explains, you must also choose the color according to the size of your lips. We tell you everything.

Women who have thin lips or fine lines around their lips don’t always know which lipstick to choose for their beauty. Fortunately, there are professional makeup artists who perfectly know the answers to all these questions. We’ve all heard that when it comes to makeup, you should emphasize the mouth or the eyes, but never both.

And to successfully apply your mouth makeup, the first thing to remember is that you must refrain from using matte lipstick when you have thin lips. In fact, hydrating balm lipsticks are best for women with thin, wrinkled lips, according to professional makeup artists.

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The Best Lipstick Shade for Thin Lips

And when it comes to color, instead of a matte lipstick, which can often make lips look drier, professional makeup artist Margina Dennis advises choosing a “moisturizing lipstick and balm” in shades that “evoke a youthful glow”. Lighter shades are therefore recommended by professional makeup artists as a classic 1940s red or warm base lipstick. In fact, these shades are much more flattering.

The professional makeup artist also suggests “a lip liner that is transparent or matches the color of the lips, which will prevent the color from bleeding and give a more natural appearance.” And to choose the right lip pencil, it must be “slightly creamy” so that “When you rub your lips together, you can easily blend your lip liner with your lipstick, gloss or balm, and it won’t bleed.”

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Avoid lipsticks that are too dark

Choosing the right shade of lipstick has the power to instantly draw the eye to your lips, promote facial symmetry and bring out other features like cheekbones and eyes. Hence the importance of not making mistakes. Margina Dennis explains that a lipstick “too dark” can “make your teeth look yellow”, and can also make you look “older”. Furthermore, a matte lipstick can dry out your lips. However, as we age, we naturally lose moisture in this area.

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Rather than deep reds and purple shades, it is advisable to opt for blue lip colors that “makes teeth appear whiter”. If you absolutely want to wear a dark shade, the trick is to apply a clear gloss on top. A technique that reflects light on dark color and thus gives your lips the illusion of being fuller.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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