“I’m exhausted”: Camille Lellouche confides in her life as a young mother

Camille Lellouche discovers the joys of life as a young mother. Exhausted, the actress confides in this new experience with a touch of humor. We tell you that!

On October 9, Camille Lellouche gave birth to a baby girl, Alma. Happy news announced to his followers on Instagram a week later. “ALM A. Tourbillon of my life. Ps: didn’t have time to go get my manicure, you won’t mind…“, commented with humor the young mother. “Oooohhh…Welcome Alma…Long live your life!!!!“, enjoyed Romane Bohringer, other celebrities relaying the same kind of message. From Alex Lutz to Cyril Lignac, via Cristina Cordula and Mélissa Theuriau, everyone warmly welcomed the little girl who arrived on Earth at 2:12 p.m. sharp . Camille Lellouche has not yet revealed Alma’s little trombine, which she will no doubt wish to keep away from the cameras. The 36-year-old comedian indeed carefully cultivates the secret, preferring to delight his fans with his comedic projections and his talents as a singer on Instagram. No need either to hope to know the identity of the happy dad: Camille Lellouche has never revealed the slightest photo of her prince charming.

This Saturday, November 12, Camille Lellouche talks about her life as a young mother facing the cameras of Nikos Aliagas in 50 Minutes Inside on TF1. A new adventure that she certainly qualifies as “unbelievable“but that obviously seems to be wearing him down.”I can fall asleep like this, sittingexplains the actress to the host. The nights are short, but in fact, even if you sleep 2 hours, each time you wake up, when you look at your child, you say to yourself: ‘But actually, it’s crazy!‘”. Alma’s birth was also incredibly effective for help him overcome anxieties, ocd and neuroses. “In fact, we don’t worry about us anymoreconfides Camille Lellouche. Now we have our offspring and we want them to be peaceful, happy. We are in a world that is still difficult so everything has to go well.” She adds : “It’s much better because my priority is her and her only, what.“The fulfilled young woman admits to being overwhelmed with happiness with her young daughter”super smart“and his companion, “a discreet man who wishes to remain discreet, in the most total discretion“, as she described to her followers last May.

This bad news in the professional life of Camille Lellouche

I have a lot to tell you, good news and bad news.announced Camille Lellouche on November 3 on Instagram. As you know, my tour has already been postponed twice because of the Covid, it was very scary” She continues: “And there, the people I was working with on this tour decided to work only with festivals and more with the artists they had“If she reassures her fans by saying with found”other people who are amazing“, Camille Lellouche surely regret having been forced to cancel all his Zenith. “I had to reorganize everything with the people I work with now and in addition with the baby, everything I had stalled, it no longer fits“, specifies the young mother. Her followers were very numerous to support her. “Courage Camilleyou must not be going through huge emotions right now between baby and job changes“, writes a surfer to him while a mother posts a message overflowing with good vibes: “Rolalala manage this kind of postpartum news…. not cool at all. All my support and my strength I send you Camille! It’ll be OK ! You are strong !!“. We will closely follow the next tribulations of the young mother with corrosive humor!

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