“I’m going to ask for an ADN test,” the shocking reaction of the actor about his son

Dany Boon, the emblematic actor of “Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis”, recently shared a surprising reaction during his passage to the broadcast “Quelle Époque!” by Lea Salamé. When she discovered a photo of her son Noé, Dany Boon was shocked.

Dany Boonwhose real name is Daniel Hamidou, is a French actor and director very appreciated for his humor and his touching films. His career ended with phenomenal success in Welcome to the Ch’tis out in cinemas in 2008. But Dany Boon, it’s also a rich and complex human lifeespecially his relationship with the actress Judith Godreche. Ensemble, they have a sonNoé, born in 1999.

Judith Godrèche, known for her roles in films such as The Spanish Inn et The truth is my man!share with Dany Boon a common passion for the cinema. Their relationship, well-finished, remains marked by their son Noéwhich therefore suits his own artistic face.

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Dany Boon’s surprise in front of her son’s photo

When it passes through the emission Source Époque!Saturday 15 June, animated by Lea SalameDany Boon was confronted with a photo of his son Noé. This cliché is suspicious a reaction full of humor and emotion. “I absolutely cannot put it together”at-il pleasant, before adding, “I’m going to ask for an ADN test!”. This ironic remark provokes rifts on the plateau, creating a certain surprise and could be a paternal nostalgia. Noé Boon, 24 years oldis in effect the copy of his fatheras confirmed Christophe Dechavanne with humor.

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Behind this pleasure se cachait a emotion more profound. Dany Boon expressed her tact and excitement when she heard her sons on the radiomaking their own debuts in the world of the show. This sincerity touched the public and shone in light the particular relationship which he maintains with his sons. The notoriety of his parents It hasn’t always been easy to handle for Noé. Dany Boon confided that his son sometimes complained about his status “son of”. Unfortunately, no one continues to follow his path with determination, supported by love and admiration of his father.

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Noé Boon’s career as a young musician

Noé Boonsons of Dany Boon and Judith Godrèche, chose to follow an artistic journeybut in a different area than that of his parents. Talented musiciansthe group is part Faux Amiswhere he expresses his passion for the music. This musical career, well distinct from that of his father actordisplay a strong artistic heritage and a spirit of forge a proper identity.

The emission Source Époque! it was the opportunity for Dany Boon to share her feelings with her sons and to look at this point it is fier of its realizations. “When my son is on the radio, I am on the track and my heart accelerates”at-he declared. This paternal feast, mixture of inquietude and hopea deep and deep relationship develops between Dany Boon and Noé.

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