“I’m going to come back on stage”, the singer makes a big announcement

After having disappeared from the scene for 4 years, Céline Dion returns for an exclusive interview on TF1. The famous Quebec singer spoke to Anne-Claire Coudray in the 8 p.m. news on Sunday June 16, 2024. She talks about her illness, her daily struggle and her strong desire to find her fans.

This is not a rumor circulating: the return of Celine Dion will be done….After several years of absence due to his illness, stiff man syndrome, the star delighted his fans by appearing on French television. She speaks frankly about the impact of this serious illness on her life and on her career. It was Céline Dion who was still as optimistic as ever who came to speak to her fans, to talk about her daily struggle.

If this comeback will have delighted more than one, it is in a particularly anticipated documentary which will be released on June 25 that Celine Dion will open her heart. The biopic “I Am: Celine Dion”, which will be broadcast on Prime Video, promises never-before-seen images of the singer’s pain struggle. In a recent interview with NBC News she confided that she had to get back on stage “I’m going back on stageeven if I have to crawl”.

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Celine Dion’s daily fight against pain

A true fighter, Céline Dion does not let herself be defeated by her illness and the pain she endures. Stiff man’s disease (autoimmune disease) causes muscle spasms, particularly in the vocal cords. If the first symptoms appeared several years ago, the singer did not initially want to think that it could be a rare and serious illness. No diagnosis was made and after several years of suffering and self-medication, Céline Dion had to face the facts and agree to living with your neuronal disease.

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Today, the singer is undergoing treatment, and she works tirelessly (as she always has) to get her voice back. She adopts daily discipline, and does not let herself be overcome by pain and fatigue. He is a true model of hope and Anne-Claire Coudray who had the honor of interviewing him says so:She was born to be on stage. I had never seen a star confide with such sincerity and honesty. She is of a extraordinary combativeness”.

Celine Dion tames her new voice

At 56, Céline Dion shows resilience and what is certain is that she draws this courage from the love for her sons and the invaluable support from his fans. She explains in her interview that she wanted to tell everything and be transparent and honest and affirms “with my sorrows and my joys, I have been an open book all my life”. Through her testimony, as poignant as it is optimistic, she sends a strong message asking people not to suffer alone and not to live their pain alone.

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The illness is not without consequences on Céline Dion’s voice, which has become more hoarse, more difficult to come out. For the singer, “It’s a voice that needs rehabilitation.” and she tries to tame him. Very closely monitored medically for the work of her muscles, Celine Dion is an example of courage and all her fans are waiting for only one thing: to find her. Despite all the challenges, the singer affirms, she remains hopeful of getting back on stage and she says so:I was born to be on stage. I don’t know when but I’ll come back”. We will therefore still have to wait but the announcement is clear: Celine Dion will make her return in concert.

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