‘I’m nervous,’ boyfriend Tao responds to accusations and defends himself

If no leads seem to have yet been ruled out by the investigators in charge of finding Lina, a teenager who disappeared almost a week ago in Bas-Rhin, her boyfriend Tao is the focus of all attention. To the point of having to defend yourself!

We still have no news of Linaa 15 year old girl whose disappearance was reported on Saturday September 23 at the beginning of the afternoon, when she had to go to Strasbourg by train to join her boyfriend named Tao. Lina had to walk about three kilometers from her home to reach the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station (Bas-Rhin), and board her train. But the teenager would never have taken it and her boyfriend, distraught, no longer received any news from her a few minutes before the theoretical departure of the said train. He was the one who received his last message around 11:20 a.m.!

Two witnesses said at the same time that they saw a person matching Lina’s description, after launching a call for witnesses andopening of an investigation into a worrying disappearance Monday September 25. But nothing works, and the hunts organized since then and having mobilized a dog team have yielded nothing. However, Tao’s profile particularly attracts attention.

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Tao receives threats from strangers

According to The New Detective (September 28), Tao has reportedly lost his cell phone since Lina’s disappearance. He also had harsh words towards a colleague of his girlfriend, before she testified on the set of Cyril Hanouna, in Do not touch My TV. In fact “suspicions of which he is the subject”, today he comes out of silence and gives his version of the story. He first confirmed that he had indeed lost his smartphone to our colleagues at New Detective. “This morning, it hadn’t arrived yet. I have to go get it. In the meantime, they lent me another phone” did he declare.

In the process, Lina’s boyfriend admitted thathe shouldn’t have put pressure on Zoé before his televised intervention on C8believing that his sentence had been “taken out of context”but that she was actually “interpreted and interpretable”. “I’m nervous as hell because my gadji is missing” he retorted. While confirming that he remained in contact with Lina’s family, and in particular with his mother whom he does not want “not speak in his name”Tao revealed that he was the subject of threats linked to the media excitement caused by this affair. I get calls from people I don’t even know. I have colleagues who send me what is being said on the networks, that it would be me… I see things, it hurts. But I prefer that people talk about me negatively and that we find Lina” he insisted.

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Tao does not wish to reveal anything about their story

During this interview, Tao wanted to defend himself even though for the moment – let us remember – he is not worried by the law. For the young man 19 years old, “the family knows very well how” he behaved “with Lina”. Why would I have taken it away? when she was coming to my house?” he insisted on recalling, while explaining that he did not want reveal nothing of their history, from their meeting to their habits. Last Saturday, the young couple had planned to go to lunch at a restaurant and then go shopping.


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