“I’m quitting playing forever” This player is adamant, Mario Kart 8 is over for him and it’s understandable!


Game news “I’m quitting playing forever” This player is adamant, Mario Kart 8 is over for him and it’s understandable!

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We’ve all gotten angry at a game of Mario Kart… Come on, the blue shell, come on, the lightning bolt above the void, come on, the green shell that comes out of nowhere… Every time you think that, tell yourself that there are always more unlucky people.


  • Bad luck incarnate
  • And otherwise Mario Kart 9?

Bad luck incarnate

Mario Kart is serious stuff! It can break controllers or friendships… This is clearly not a subject to be taken lightly, and when you see what happened to this poor user X (Twitter). Known as Research, this Mario Kart 8 Deluxe player is without a doubt one of the unluckiest I’ve ever seen. The video above speaks for itself. While he was first and enjoying his game, the drama happened at the end of the third round.

It was on the bridge of Mario Kart 64’s Yoshi Valley that Research’s tears flowed. First he falls by speeding… Okay, it’s still a small skill error. Lakitu puts him back on the bridge, and as soon as he leaves, a wild Waluigi pushes him off the bridge… Same old story for Lakitu… Ready to leave, BAAAAAAAAAAAAM, a bomb!


There it is good!? We tell ourselves that nothing more can happen to him, and yet… what seems to be a Daisy straight out of hell delivers the final blow, pushing him one last time. And to top it all off, he gets hit by an octopus, just to finish him off.

Research, you have all our sympathy!

And otherwise Mario Kart 9?

After such a critical failure, I think that dear Research will never set foot on a Mario Kart 8 Deluxe server again. I hope he’ll give Mario Kart 9 a chance though! For now, no news about the sequel to the 8th opus, which celebrated its tenth anniversary this year. In 10 years, we’ve only had a Deluxe version on Switch, and old circuits brought up to date as DLC.

But as we know, all things come to those who wait, especially with Nintendo! Metroid players know what I’m talking about, especially after the 7-year-old Arlesienne for Metroid Prime 4: Beyond, whose trailer recently unveiled during a Nintendo Direct made more than one dream.

So who knows? Maybe we’ll hear about Mario Kart 9 at the next Nintendo event? The mystery remains…

As a reminder, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is available on Nintendo Switch.


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