Implement resolutions – this is how I finally reach my long-awaited goal

The first New Year’s resolutions are already beginning to vanish into thin air? The “Krone” got advice from coach Alexandra Pichler.

The turn of the year is an occasion for many people to set new goals. But after a few weeks, these often disappear into smoke and mirrors. Alexandra Pichler from Dornbirn has specialized in recognizing people’s potential and supporting them in the implementation of goals as a coach. “I think it’s basically good to leave the old behind and start the year with new projects. However, you also need a certain enthusiasm for it,” says the 46-year-old.Challenges can give new inputBecause only if the inner drive is real can nice ideas become realizable goals. Alexandra Pichler draws on a wealth of experience, as she has already gone through a number of transformations herself – from a new start with the whole family abroad, to a major weight loss and a complete breakdown, which paved the way for her vocation: “The seemingly biggest ones Disasters can become the best fertilizer for our life path.” A clear definition helps with implementation For new projects it is important to focus: What do I really want? It’s worth taking a look at the potential future. Do I want to live like this or am I possibly just fulfilling the expectations of others? Crises can be the impetus for important and good changes. Look to yourself and put your own needs first. Activate your inner compass and keep correcting your path. Examine your goals and imagine your life if you achieve them: Do you really want this? Don’t write a list, but choose one or two important projects. Formulate your goals specifically according to the SMART principle: specific, measurable, attractive, realistic and time-bound. Jump in at the deep end because there is always a solution and it’s never as bad as you imagine. Connect to your future: The brain loves images. Create a vision board that you hang next to the bed. Desktop, mobile phone display etc. – you can remember your goal everywhere. Reward yourself for reaching small milestones. We need success stories. Look for people who keep reminding you of your goal and who support you instead of trying to hold you back. In addition, a clear objective is required for implementation. Instead of just wanting to lose weight, you should also define the desire. The SMART principle can provide the framework for this. The letters stand for: specific, measurable, attractive, realistic and time-bound. Visual impressions help Once the goal has been set in concrete terms, it is time to implement it. “You can step out of your comfort zone, but you shouldn’t put yourself under too much pressure.” Pichler advises connecting with your wishful thinking again and again. “Our brain loves visual impressions. Pictures bring us back to the vision and also help us through weak moments.” If the motivation is on the couch while we are struggling in the fitness center, we need like-minded people. “Surround yourself with people who surf the same wave and keep you on track!” Incidentally, Alexandra Pichler has also set herself a goal for 2023: “I’ll write my first book by the end of the year.”
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