Important signal to Ukraine: USA allows use of US weapons in Russia – News

Washington has given Ukraine permission to use US weapons on a limited scale against targets on Russian territory. This applies exclusively to counterattacks in defense of the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, said a US government representative in Washington. Judith Huber knows more about the possible consequences of this development. She is responsible for Ukraine reporting at Radio SRF.

Judith Huber

Foreign Editor

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Foreign editor Judith Huber was a producer of the Swiss radio SRF program “Echo der Zeit” for many years. She specializes in the countries of the former Soviet Union and is a special correspondent for Ukraine.

What does the green light from Washington mean?

Washington recognizes the realities on the ground: Ukraine cannot defend itself effectively if it cannot attack the Russian positions from which it is attacking. This is especially important in the defense of the large city of Kharkiv, which is being shelled from Russian soil without the Ukrainians being able to do much about it. They have had to more or less watch as this once vibrant European city is being shot to pieces and people are dying practically every day. Now the Russians will probably have to move their air operations, weapons and troops further inland.

What does Ukraine’s decision in the war mean?

The permission from Washington will not bring about a turning point in the war, as many other factors play a role in it. One of the main problems is still that Ukraine has far too few weapons and ammunition at its disposal. There is also a shortage of soldiers. But psychologically the decision is important for the Ukrainians: It shows that the Western allies are able to rethink things in light of the realities on the ground and can abandon their original red lines. It is also an important signal of strength to Moscow.

Is Kyiv satisfied with this?

The Ukrainian military would have liked to be given the green light to attack all legitimate military targets in Russia with Western weapons – even deep in the country’s interior. Only then would it possibly make a real difference in the entire war. This would be permitted under international law because it would be a defense against the Russian aggressor. For the Ukrainians, there remains a bitter aftertaste: from the first day of the war, they asked to be allowed to defend themselves more effectively – and were held back. It took the impending loss of Kharkiv and many deaths for the allies to change their minds.

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