In 17 cases – criminal investigators for abuse of office in court

The police officer, who was transferred to the burglary department in 2016 and is still on duty, is said to have committed 17 cases of abuse of office – in two cases the allegation is also false testimony. In fact, the officer disregarded the rules of police work, on the one hand to protect so-called confidants (informed informants) – he is said to have even thwarted their prosecution. On the other hand, he is said to have concealed and manipulated parts of the investigative work. He is said to have not only deliberately withheld essential information from the public prosecutor’s office, but according to the indictment he is even said to have made false allegations. The prosecutor speaks of an “image of an investigator who does not perceive the legal requirements as framework conditions and barriers to his work, but as restrictions that he ignores at his discretion”. All of this was favored by “insufficient service and technical supervision”, the prosecutor concludes in the indictment.

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