In a relationship: that's what matters

In a relationship we can do a lot to keep love as long as possible. You can read about the underestimated habit of true miracles here.

Being single is great and those who are solo happy usually ironically have a much better chance of a happy relationship than someone who plunges from one partnership into another for fear of being alone. However, life in a relationship naturally has its advantages that simply cannot be discussed away. To name just a few examples …

  • Someone will take care of us and get soup when we are sick.
  • We always have someone with whom we can share everything we want to share.
  • We feel loved and in good hands when we are in a relationship.
  • We feel used, unique and valuable when we can be there for our partner.
  • We don't even want to start with sex and tenderness …

Ideally, a partnership enriches us, helps us to expand our strengths and provides cover for our weak points – but only if we harmonize with our partner, pull together and consider a few things that are decisive in a relationship about happiness and unhappiness. And above all a habit care for, which, according to a study, makes everything better in a relationship … but always nice step by step!

10 things that are particularly important in a relationship

1. Respect

In a relationship, respect is, among other things, a prerequisite for loving interaction with one another (also in a dispute!), The acceptance of personal limits and, of course, equality. Therefore: indispensable!

2. Willingness to compromise

There are conflicts in every partnership, because two different people simply cannot have the same needs and want the same at all times. In this respect, you have to bring a willingness to compromise in a relationship – or acquire it yourself …

3. Confidence

Sure, you need a healthy self-confidence as a single. But in a relationship you don't get very far without it. After all, we sometimes have to assert ourselves or differentiate ourselves from our partner. It is also an advantage to know ourselves well enough, for example, to recognize when we are overreacting and what is actually our problem … Self-confidence simply helps – in every respect!

4. Trust

Without trust, we would be in constant stress in a relationship and could never really let ourselves go. Unbearable!

5. Similarities

Similarities promote understanding and make it much easier to spend time together and share our lives. A must for a healthy partnership.

6th variety

Some need more, others less, but sooner or later everyone gets bored with no variety. Common adventures and challenges weld together and can wonderfully refresh the relationship.

7. Friendship

According to couple therapist Eric Hegmann, friendship is one of the most important ingredients for a happy relationship, because it results in loyalty, loyalty, unconditionality, tolerance and it outlasts everything – including the aging process …

8. Communication

Those who do not communicate openly and directly in a relationship have bad cards – unless both parties can read minds …

9. Honesty

You don't necessarily have to share everything with your partner, but honesty in all matters relating to the partnership (including feelings!) Is essential.

10. Love

Last but not least, a relationship should be based on love, after all, it is what makes us decide every morning: I want to spend my life with this person!

Study shows: Nothing works without humor in a relationship

Anyone who has all of this in a relationship can be very happy and confidently plan the next few years with the treasure! However, as a study led by Jeffrey A. Hall from the University of Kansas has shown, something VERY positive has an impact on our relationship happiness: Humor or the habit of fooling each other and teasing each other.

In the study with a good 15,000 subjects, it emerged that a strong sense of humor (Cynicism, ridicule and other negative forms excluded!) Relationships in principle stabilized, happier and more harmonious. Interesting: The best and Z. B. even better than when each partner is self-deprecating and can laugh at himself, it is obvious when the partners hug each other and can joke about their relationship.

So before you start B. get excited about your sweetheart on your next anniversary because he forgot him, try finding something funny in the situation and laughing at it. Then there will be a few more anniversaries that you can celebrate together – or just forget for two …

Would you like (further) relationship tips? We tell you what you do in a relationship crisis and how you can try to turn an unhappy relationship into a positive one. You will also find out from us which phases of the relationship there are, how you can recognize true love or that your relationship has ended. And if you want to know what experiences others have in a relationship: Take a look at our community!