In a video, iFixit takes a closer look at the iPad Pro M4 and doesn’t mince words about the Pencil Pro…

Mérouan Goumiri

May 23, 2024 at 7:32 a.m.


The team ofiFixit sifted through the new iPad Pro M4 and draws up a mixed assessment. If the tablet impresses with its technological prowess, and replacing the battery proves easier than in the past, opening the Apple Pencil Pro is still a real headache.

Officialized a few days ago, the new generation iPad Pro has already passed into the expert hands ofiFixit, a team specializing in the disassembly and repair of electronic devices. In addition to featuring an M4 processor, this new high-end iPad ushers in the arrival of a superb OLED screen, allowing it to be significantly thinner than in the past. Does it make it any more repairable? This is precisely what we are going to discover in this article!

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iPad Pro: a more repairable battery than before, but…

Let’s start with the annoying subjects: access to the internal components of the iPad Pro once again requires removing the screen, which is firmly stuck to the chassis, inevitably complicating the repair process. Moreover, the secret of the latter’s finesse seems to lie essentially in the intensive use of glue, according to the operation carried out by iFixit (you can find the video at the top of this article).

Once the OLED panel has been removed (replacing which can be costly and difficult), the battery will then be almost accessible, although it will first be necessary to remove the camera unit and bypass an aluminum tab which makes access somewhat complicated. to certain components.

Efforts have clearly been made by Apple to improve the repairability of its iPad Pro © Apple

Efforts have clearly been made by Apple to improve the repairability of its iPad Pro © Apple

It is therefore on the battery field thatiFixit observed a notable improvement. For the first time on an iPad Pro, replacing it no longer requires complete disassembly of the motherboard and many other components. For experts in device disassembly, this progress can be partly explained by increasing pressure from legislation and users for better repairability of electronic products.

According to Shahram Mokhtari ofiFixitthe replacement of the battery, made inevitable by wear, ” could save repair hours » compared to previous iPad Pro models.

Apple Pencil Pro: a “disposable” technological gem

Let us be clear, the observation ofiFixit as for the Pencil Pro is not the most complimentary. If it obviously impresses with its technological innovations (haptic feedback system, new gyroscope, etc.), its Achilles heel is its almost zero repairability. The attempt to access its battery also resulted in the destruction of the stylus, highlighting a design that prioritizes aesthetics and functionality over durability.

Although it is also compatible with the iPad Air 2024, note that Apple’s new stylus is still sold at a price of 149 euros.

Great features for the Pencil Pro, but repairability leaves a lot to be desired © Apple

Great features for the Pencil Pro, but repairability leaves a lot to be desired © Apple

In summary, this incursion ofiFixit in the bowels of the iPad Pro allows us to see that the Cupertino company has made some efforts to facilitate the replacement of the battery of its tablet. However, it is clear that it still has many design flaws. The excessive use of glue instead of screws (to save space) makes replacing the speakers impossible without destroying them, and the daughter card bends very easily accidentally.

All this is without mentioning the case of the Pencil Pro, which frankly does not seem to have left very good memories for the teams ofiFixit

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Source : iFixit

Mérouan Goumiri

Mérouan Goumiri

A fan of series, cinema and new technologies, it was my penchant for video games that got the better of me. Getting lost between Libertalia, the seas of Sea of ​​Thieves and Kaer Morhen, such is...

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A fan of series, cinema and new technologies, it was my penchant for video games that got the better of me. Getting lost between Libertalia, the seas of Sea of ​​Thieves and Kaer Morhen, such is the life I decided to lead between writing two articles.

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