In an interview, Eugen Bauder talks about his marriage and his daughter

Eugen Bauder on being a parent
“We also try to be independent individuals”

Eugen Bauder + Mowgli Bauder

© Gerald Matzka / Getty Images

In an interview with GALA, Eugen Bauder reveals his private side and talks to us about his life as a father, husband and successful actor.

Eugen Bauder, 36, not only celebrates great success on the screen, things have also been going well for the actor privately for the past year. Because with the singer Mogli, 28, the “Turkish for Beginners” actor found his great love. The two crowned their happy relationship in August 2021 with their first child together. The dream wedding followed in April 2022.

We spoke to him as part of his Urban Sports Club brand message and asked how his life has changed since the birth of his daughter and how he is coping with what is arguably the most important role in his life, being a father.

Eugen Bauder in the big GALA interview

GALA: Urban Sports Club offers many different courses and sports options – which ones are your favourites?
Eugen: In my life, no day is like the other. That’s why I also have some sporting activities that I really enjoy doing. I go to Muay Thai, I like to climb and boulder, I like to swim, do yoga and attend CrossFit courses. I also like going to the sauna. But I also go to the gym in the traditional way to stay in shape.

You do a lot of sports, are often busy as an actor and on top of that you have a family – how do you manage to juggle all that?
I can do this primarily because my wife Mogli and I are in an equal marriage. This affects all areas of our life. In this way we manage to meet each other’s needs and at the same time we can fulfill our obligations. This often means a lot of planning ahead, but planning can also be fun.

Has your everyday life changed since becoming a dad?
My everyday life has changed completely. Nothing is the same as it was before and that’s the wonderful thing about it, I think. I spend every free minute with my daughter and love watching her learn something new every day. At the moment we hang out a lot on playgrounds and in parks. In between there is a nap, which I also like to sleep with. (laughs) Or I use the time to work, clean up the kitchen or prepare dinner.

The actor reveals: The birth of his daughter is the best thing that could have ever happened to him

How do you deal with your role as a father? Did it feel natural to you or did the new challenge scare you a bit?
Because my wife and I made a conscious decision to have our daughter, my new role of being a father never scared me. I was happy from the first second, I’m still happy and I would make the same decision again and again.

How would you describe yourself and your wife as parents?
We are liberal and loving – our child’s needs are one of the most important things to us. Even if it sometimes requires a lot of patience – staying calm and explaining things is always better than shouting and punishing.

How do you manage not to lose sight of your family commitments as a couple?

In addition to being parents, we still try to be independent individuals and, as a couple with time for togetherness, to create the necessary framework so that we don’t lose sight of each other on a romantic, friendly and physical level.

You seem to be very settled in your role as a father – what advice would you give to young parents who have not yet found their new role as a mother or father?
What helped me a lot personally was making a conscious decision to go with the flow and to be in the here and now. This means that if a day develops differently than I had planned, I have to accept this deviation from my plan and allow something new to emerge from it.

Of course, this only works as long as there are no appointments such as a visit to the pediatrician. In this case, it is important to plan at least twice as much time as you would actually need. I keep noticing that the day with my daughter always gets better when I’m not driven or stressed myself, because then I can “read” my daughter better and respond to her needs. That is extremely important to me personally.

Source used: Own interview,


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