In Argentina, Peronist Sergio Massa manages to limit the advance of the far right

It was said to be moribund: Peronism is not only very much alive, but its candidate, Sergio Massa, rose against all expectations, Sunday October 22, to the lead in the first round of the Argentine presidential election (36.7%), leaving the ultraliberal and populist candidate Javier Milei in second position. However, he received 30% of the votes, confirming the score he had obtained during the primary elections of August 13, and will therefore contest the second round, on November 19, against the current Minister of the Economy. An unprecedented duel between an outsider and a historic political force seventy years old.

“This result shows that Argentina has not moved to the extreme right! We learned from the mistakes of Brazil, where Jair Bolsonaro worsened poverty,” exclaims with relief Victoria Gonzalez, 28, in front of Sergio Massa’s campaign headquarters, upon noting the surprise result of the Peronist candidate. “We did not let ourselves be discouraged by the results of the primaries [où le péroniste était arrivé en deuxième position]. It is a victory for grassroots activism on social networks, but also on the ground, by speaking with our neighbors, our colleagues, our friends…”, enthuses Analia Branca, a 49-year-old social worker.

Peronism also obtained the re-election, hands down, of Axel Kicillof, the current governor of the province of Buenos Aires, the most populous in the country, during the provincial elections which were held at the same time.

Javier Milei, who had predicted a victory in the first round but ultimately stagnated compared to his result in the primaries, wanted to keep his head high. This is a vote “historic, for a young political force”, he congratulated himself during his speech, brief and much more sober than his previous interventions.

Inflation of 138% over one year

“The feeling is strangeadmits Mauro Mendoza, a 60-year-old barber, in front of Javier Milei’s campaign HQ on Sunday evening. Frankly, this result does not reflect the enthusiasm for Milei that we see on a daily basis. I thought he was going to come first. » The disappointed activist continues: “We absolutely must bring stability to the economy, stop issuing money”, in reference to the candidate’s proposal to abolish the Central Bank to put an end to the scourge of Argentina, inflation – 138% over one year, causing a poverty rate of 40%. Javier Milei’s radical proposals also include the replacement of the national currency by the dollar, a drastic reduction in taxes and public spending, but also the free carrying of arms.

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