In Argentina, the waltz of the Ministers of the Economy

Sergio Massa (here at the exit of the National Congress, Thursday, in Buenos Aires) becomes the third Argentine Minister of Economy in less than a month. Rodrigo Nespolo/AP

DECRYPTION – In a country in crisis, Sergio Massa succeeds Silvina Batakis appointed in early July.

Buenos Aires

A small turn and then goes away. Just twenty-seven days after replacing Martin Guzman at short notice at the head of the Ministry of the Economy, Silvina Batakis was dismissed by Argentinian President Alberto Fernandez on Thursday evening. She leaves her place to the current president of the Chamber of Deputies Sergio Massa, who therefore becomes the third Argentine Minister of the Economy in less than a month.

At 50, this heavyweight of the center-left Peronist coalition takes the reins of a “super ministry” bringing together the portfolios of Economy, Development and Agriculture. Weakened, Alberto Fernandez ended up granting him the expanded powers he was asking for. “Concentrating the definition of economic policy will make it possible to work in a faster, more flexible and efficient way”, justified the Argentine head of state on Friday.

“Reduced room for manoeuvre”

“I am not a savior”, tempered Sergio Massa the day after his appointment. On his Twitter account, this veteran of Argentine politics…

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