In Beirut, a miracle baby was born under the blast of the explosions

/ Mom / Baby / In Beirut, a miracle baby was born under the breath of the explosions

Despite the violent explosions that devastated Beirut, on August 4, the birth of little George went perfectly, mother and baby are in good health.

In Lebanon, when the double explosion of incredible violence had echoed on the port of Beirut, Emmanuelle Khnaître was giving birth in the city hospital a few kilometers away. The blast then came as medical staff assisted the mother to deliver the baby and overturned the entire delivery room.

Childbirth in the dark

Despite the dire conditions of the birth, doctors continued the birth lit by cell phone flashlights and the young woman gave birth to a healthy baby George. The photo of the delivery room was taken by the dad and posted on the “Long live Lebanon” Instagram account. “George and his family survived and are resting now. They thanked the doctors and nurses who remained calm and helped deliver their babies after all the equipment had been destroyed ”, can we read in the caption of the photo.

The father wanted to express his gratitude to the hospital staff: “Thank you for bringing her safely into the world. I hope I can return the favor one day. "

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Video by Loïcia Fouillen