In Brazil, the government promises 9 billion euros for reconstruction after deadly floods

The Brazilian government will release 50 billion reais (around 9 billion euros) for the reconstruction of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, a southern region devastated by unprecedented floods, announced Thursday, May 9, the Minister of finance, Fernando Haddad.

Mr. Haddad presented in Brasilia, during a meeting to discuss responses to the tragedy, in the presence of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, a set of measures that prioritize the granting of loans to help workers , businesses and municipalities affected.

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Nearly 1.5 million people affected

At least 107 people died, 374 others were injured and 136 are missing following the torrential rains that fell on the region all last week, according to the latest civil defense report published Thursday.

Nearly 1.5 million people were affected and more than 164,000 were evacuated following this exceptional rain; a natural disaster that experts and the government associate with climate change.

The floods affected the state capital, Porto Alegre, and its 1.4 million inhabitants, but also more than 400 localities in the region.

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