In Brittany, the team of a local weekly threatened because of its articles on a project for a center for refugees in Callac

This Monday, February 27, Erwan Chartier-Le Floch is scrolling through the messages received on the mailbox of the editorial staff of the Poher weekly. Director of this publication, which sells an average of 3,500 copies in Poher, a territory located on the borders of Finistère, Morbihan and Côtes-d’Armor, he clicks on an email. The journalist reads the first words aloud: “Liars in addition to collaborators. We’re going to kill you. » Erwan Chartier-Le Floch spares himself the rest of the content with dubious spelling. Here’s another one, arrived last night. This message encourages the director of the Poher weekly and one of the editorial staff’s two reporters, Faustine Sternberg. The email then recommends reading an offensive text, posted on a far-right platform and illustrated by the portraits of the locals.

For the past few weeks, the editorial staff of this consensual weekly has been the target of this type of missive. The newspaper sued the only identified perpetrator for public insult and filed four death threat complaints. The case is taken “very seriously” by the research brigade of the gendarmerie of Chateaulin (Finistère). “We don’t want to be intimidated. We must react to show that we are not afraid! », hammers the director, the features drawn. So, like every Monday, he orchestrates closing of its publication. No question of giving up. Erwan Chartier-Le Floch looks at his watch then apologizes. He must imperatively finish an article on the new campaign to promote French-Breton bilingual education.

At the reception of the newspaper, difficult to act as if nothing had happened. The graphic designer, the commercial and the editorial secretary observe a technician installing video surveillance cameras pointed at the entrance to the premises located in the main street of Carhaix, a town of 7,100 souls known for its festival, Les Vielles Charrues. The employees take up the story of ” stay “. Understand: anonymous calls. They started on Wednesday, February 8, around 6 p.m. On the other end of the line, a man promises to “come and put a bullet in the head of Erwan Chartier-Le Floch”.

Destabilization campaigns

Monday, February 20, new call. A male voice, aged and tinged with a Finistere accent, warns: “I planted a bomb. It will jump. You’re all going to die a bunch of rot. » The team of Poher weekly evacuated. The cops intervene. False alarm, but new fright. Since then, all employees have been placed under the close protection of the gendarmes. Faustine Sternberg explains: “All we want is to do our job calmly. Some individuals seek to prevent us from informing by instilling a climate of terror. We must reject these methods already observed at Callac. »

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