In Dreux, the Initiative France network develops entrepreneurship

The owner of the Hotel Le Beffroi, located on Place Métézeau, in Dreux (opposite), benefited in 2019 from a loan of honor of 15,000 euros for its rehabilitation. Philippe Hallé/PackShot –

REPORT – This medium-sized city of Eure-et-Loir is fighting against the desertification of its city center. The Initiative France network contributes to this effort by supporting local entrepreneurs.


Place Métézeau in Dreux, 70 kilometers west of Paris. Tourists take advantage of the summer heat on the terrace of the Hôtel Le Beffroi, named in honor of the 16th century monumente century, symbol of this city of 30,000 inhabitants. A scene still unthinkable a few years ago, when Corinne Dubessay took over the establishment in 2013. “My relatives told me not to settle in Dreux. They were skeptical.” says the owner. Here, 48% of the inhabitants live in a priority district of the city’s policy. But the city center has been revitalized. Among those who have helped to bring some life back to the district, the departmental branch of Initiative France, an associative network of financing and support for creators, buyers and business developers.

The structure accompanied the manager of the establishment twice. “If I had one piece of advice for someone who wants to get started, it’s to get closer to them”enthuses Corinne…

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