“In front of a movie, during the races …”: the incessant erections of his companion make life hard for him

In a testimony to the Daily Mirror, a 31-year-old Briton says she is totally overwhelmed by the overflowing libido of her companion. His incessant erections make his life hard.

For two years, Vikki Brown, 31, queue the perfect love with Lucas Martins, 39. Originally from Stoke-on-Trent, the couple met during the first confinement of spring 2020 in a Morrisons supermarket, in England. The Briton completely fell in love with the young woman in the checkout queue. Although she refused Lucas’ first dinner invitation, he eventually convinced her. They live separately but see each other regularly. But for Vikki, there is a big hitch in this story.

His companion can have up to 100 erections a day!

The incessant erections of Lucas makes life hard for him. In a testimony to DailyMirrorthe Briton explains that “Lucas’ repeated erections leave him no respite”. She says thathe can be aroused in any situation, whether at home watching a movie or shopping, which makes him at his wit’s end. The thirties can have up to 100 erections a day!

“All we have to do is sit watching a movie, walk down the street, or go out for coffee with friends for him to get an erection. Sometimes it’s embarrassing…”, confides the mother of the family. Lucas ended up consulting but his doctor says it’s not a medical problem. hot bunny in spite of himself, he assures that this had never happened before he met Vikki. The young man has now made up his mind: “actually it’s just natural, I have a wonderful woman next to me – She’s a goddess, she just has to look at me and talk to me for me to feel desire”.


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“In front of a movie, during the races …”: the incessant erections of his companion make life hard for him
Originally from Stoke-on-Trent, the couple met during the first confinement of spring 2020 in a Morrisons supermarket, in England. The Briton completely fell in love with the young woman in the checkout queue.


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“In front of a movie, during the races …”: the incessant erections of his companion make life hard for him
Although she refused Lucas’ first dinner invitation, he eventually convinced her. They live separately but see each other regularly. But for Vikki, there is a big catch in this story.


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“In front of a movie, during the races …”: the incessant erections of his companion make life hard for him
Lucas’ incessant erections make life hard for him.


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“In front of a movie, during the races …”: the incessant erections of his companion make life hard for him
In a testimony to the Daily Mirror, the Briton explains that “Lucas’ repeated erections leave him no respite”.


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“In front of a movie, during the races …”: the incessant erections of his companion make life hard for him
The thirties can have up to 100 erections a day!

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