In Herberstein – Herziger offspring increases polar wolf pack

The animal baby gallery in the Herberstein animal world is growing: Four clumsy arctic wolf puppies saw the light of day on April 20th in the East Styrian zoo.

They are born with dark fur that turns white with age: After long efforts to set up a breed of snow-white wolves, Herberstein has had its first offspring in Arctic Wolf for 15 years. Four adorable puppies saw the light of day there on April 20th. Animals keep to themselves The young animals still have no close contact with the animal keepers, for the time being the wolf pack is keeping to itself. “The veterinary examination will take place in three to four weeks. The young animals spend most of their time in a cave, but leave their familiar environment during the day,” explains veterinarian and zoological director Reinhard Pichler on Greenland. And there is another resident with white fur in the petting zoo: a white baroque donkey was born on April 28th. There are still about 300 animals of this breed worldwide, which score with bright blue eyes and long ears.
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