In hospital care – Eleven-year-old is the first case of measles in Upper Austria

An eleven-year-old girl is seriously ill in the Kepler University Hospital in Linz after a measles infection. It is the first case in Upper Austria this year.

Measles alert in Upper Austria! As in some other federal states, we have now had the first confirmed case of measles in 2023. In Austria, a total of 33 confirmed cases of measles have been reported through the electronic reporting system (EMS) this year. An outbreak originating in Styria is currently the strongest. Experts urgently advise vaccination. Tragically, the risk of the disease is evident because the affected child has to be treated at the Kepler University Hospital. The eleven-year-old girl is in the normal ward. Experts strongly recommend measles vaccination because the consequences of this highly contagious disease can be very serious and even fatal. Highly contagious disease “Decades of experience with measles vaccination show that it is safe and effective. It was developed to prevent this highly contagious disease with its severe forms, and is therefore definitely recommended,” says Wolfgang Högler, head of the children’s clinic.
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