In Hungary, supporters of opposition politician Peter Magyar demonstrate against Orban

“Ready to change destiny”
Orban challenger mobilizes tens of thousands of Hungarians

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Hungary’s long-time head of government Orban and his Fidesz party can expect a clear victory in the European elections on Sunday. His biggest challenger only entered the political stage a few months ago.

One day before the European elections, tens of thousands of people attended a rally in Budapest organized by the up-and-coming Hungarian opposition politician Peter Magyar. “Together we can save Hungary,” said the main challenger to long-standing Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The demonstrators held up signs reading “Wake up, Hungary!” and “We are the masters of our future.” Many waved Hungarian flags.

“We are here and we are ready to change our fate,” the 43-year-old Magyar told the crowd. “The fate that a thieving, repressive power wants to impose on us.” According to polls, Orban’s national conservative party Fidesz is likely to receive 50 percent of the vote in Sunday’s European elections, while Magyar’s Tisza movement, which describes itself as “neither left nor right,” is likely to receive around 27 percent.

Magyar, who previously worked for the government, emerged on the political scene in February after the Orban government was rocked by the pardon of a man involved in child abuse. The scandal led to the resignation of President Katalin Novak. In his speeches, Magyar mainly criticizes the corruption that is ruining the country.

Last weekend, tens of thousands of Orban supporters attended a rally held by the head of government in Budapest. Orban repeatedly attacked the EU and NATO in the run-up to the European elections. In his view, Ukraine “cannot win” against Russia and should accept an immediate ceasefire.

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