In Israel, Netanyahu’s son against the general staff

Yair returned. Benyamin Netanyahu’s terrible son is tweeting again, after months of relative discretion. This 32-year-old boy, unemployed, is campaigning against the Israeli general staff, in his golden exile in Miami, where a rich American friend of the family hosted him during the war.

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Saturday June 15, he shared a video on his Instagram account, calling “fatal failures” the big bosses of Israeli security: the chief of staff, Herzi Halevi, the head of military intelligence, Aharon Haliva, and that of the Shin Bet, Ronen Bar. On Sunday, on the social network X, he implied that officers had “betrayed”October 7, 2023.

He accused the Supreme Court of covering them up, by suspending an investigation launched by the state comptroller general into the Hamas attack. “What are they trying to hide? the young man asked. If there was no betrayal, why are they so afraid of independent, outside sources investigating what happened? » Benyamin Netanyahu’s supporters, for their part, fear the opening of a commission of inquiry, headed by a former judge of the Supreme Court, which would look into his responsibility in this collapse.


On Tuesday, Yair again shared a video from political commentator Yaakov Bardugo, according to which General Halevi would like Hamas to remain in power in Gaza. “Yaakov Burgado’s report that the chief of staff supports the preservation of the Hamas regime in Gaza is a shameful and completely unfounded lie”, responded the army, in an unpublished press release. Without mentioning the prime minister’s son, she also deplored “allegations” recent, which would aim “to cause harm to the army and to the chief of staff who leads it.”

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Yair Netanyahu is a complex political object: both marginal and at the heart of the “system”. He plays the role of pack leader among those whom Israel calls “the bibists” Or “the poison machine. » He finds himself in this ecosystem of keyboard warriors, on social networks, and official commentators on the sets of channel 14. His father often had to distance himself from his supremacist and conspiracy provocations.

This is how Yaïr left social networks, in March 2023, as well as the official residence of the Prime Minister, where he resided with his parents, and even the country, to go get some fresh air on the other side of the ‘Atlantic Ocean. He had just accused the American State Department of financing his father’s opponents, possibly to serve the interests of Iran.

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