in Israel, threats and invectives for a stormy end to the campaign

The threat was sent by ephemeral message, Wednesday June 15, directly to the mobile of the candidate Together!, Deborah Abisror-de Lieme. “It’s bullying. It had my son’s school name, a bomb emoji and “withdraw your application” written on it.describes the one that occurs in the 8e constituency of French people living abroad (which brings together eight countries, including Israel, Italy, Turkey and Greece) against the outgoing MP (Union of Democrats and Independents), Meyer Habib. I also received dozens and dozens of threats through social networks, the climate is deleterious. »

The next day, the 36-year-old candidate announced that she was going to file a complaint in a message video broadcast on Twitter, denouncing a ” witch hunt “. According to her, the threatening message does not come from her opponent, “nor of his campaign team”. On the other hand, the one who worked in several ministerial cabinets under the previous five-year term accuses Mr. Habib of maintaining this atmosphere “a bit like Trump”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Legislative 2022: the constituencies of French people abroad, a rather pro-Macron diaspora

In this fragmented constituency with a very low turnout (12.23% in the first round, Sunday June 12), the legislative elections are mainly played in Israel, where the largest share of registered voters reside. Mr. Habib, a close friend of former Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, has been elected there since 2013; he finished with a narrow lead on the first lap.


Zionist, mixing the rabbis in his campaign, defender of colonization in the West Bank, he made himself the almost exclusive spokesman of his voters in Israel – who moreover largely chose Eric Zemmour in the first round of the presidential election. In the National Assembly and in France, this businessman relays, thunderous, the elements of language of the Israeli nationalist religious right – he was in his youth a militant of Betar, a militia close to the Israeli extreme right – while being part, paradoxically, of the outgoing majority in the Assembly.

For meme Abisror-de Lieme, the threats intensified after an article by the chained duck published on June 15. The weekly unveils a note from the French consul in Tel Aviv, who is worried about “practices whose legality could be questioned” to which Mr. Habib would have had recourse. A normal procedure, explains the Quai d’Orsay: “When elements potentially constituting irregularities are reported to consular officials”, they transmit them to their hierarchy. On the other hand, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces that it has opened an administrative investigation to understand how the internal communication leaked to the press.

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