In Lyon, Jadot presents its program for an “Ecological Republic”

In a context of strong competition on the left, the environmental candidate for the presidential Yannick Jadot presents Saturday in Lyon his program, which intends to initiate the ecological transition while emphasizing “social justice”.

5 to 8% in the polls

During a weekend when the left is suspended from the verdict of the “Popular Primary”, Yannick Jadot has the imperative to mark the spirits with his speech, which he will hold from the H7, a high place of digital entrepreneurship in Lyons.

We are still far from high masses for the candidate, stuck in a low of 5 to 8% in the polls. But, after two small meetings in December and January, his team saw a little bigger with, in addition to some 300 people on site, a broadcast in militant premises in fifteen cities in France.

The candidate’s speech at 4:15 p.m. will be preceded by a round table with environmental mayors, moderated by the mayor of Grenoble Eric Piolle from 3:30 p.m., on the theme: “How are we already changing France?”

Called the “Ecological Republic”, the program was designed under the aegis of Charlotte Soulary – who had worked for Eric Piolle during the primary – and under the supervision of Luc Derepas, the general secretary of the campaign, former director of foreigners to the Interior Ministry of Manuel Valls.

“We integrated all the primary school teams, there was no dividing line, even with Sandrine Rousseau on social and societal issues or with Delphine Batho on decline”, assures one of the artisans of the project.

“On rails”

This gives pride of place to measures to green the economy and French society, according to the document consulted by AFP.

Yannick Jadot wants to invest 10 billion euros per year for the thermal renovation of energy sieves, an additional four billion euros in the train to open or maintain small “everyday” lines and modernize the network, ban the sale of new fossil-fuel vehicles in 2030, prohibit domestic air flights for any journey that can be made in less than four hours by train…

A climate ISF

The environmental program also aims to shut down at least 10 nuclear reactors by 2035 and the massive development of renewable energies, in particular through the installation of 6,000 additional wind turbines.

On the tax side, the candidate wants to impose a “climate ISF” on assets of more than two million euros and increase the climate energy contribution, “modulated according to the evolution of energy prices so as not to penalize low-income households “.

The latter and more generally “social justice” are the other concern displayed by Yannick Jadot, who fears that ecology will pass for a bourgeois problem. Any public aid will be conditional on these two aspects to better link them.

The candidate wants an immediate 10% increase in the minimum wage, brought to 1,500 euros net per month by 2027, the creation of a citizen’s income of 918 euros, i.e. the poverty line calculated by Insee, or even the construction of 700,000 social housing units and raising the SRU law target to 30%.

“We are on track”

But it also includes other leftist markers such as emergency plans for the public hospital (recruitment of 100,000 nurses in three years), for culture (an additional billion), the legalization of cannabis and the unconditional reception of immigrants.

“We are rebalancing the great values, without saying that we are on the left, because ecology includes them”, explains MEP and ex-number 1 of EELV David Cormand. “Ecology remains marked by a left-wing sensibility,” observes one of the contributors to the program.

Will his presentation give the final kick-off for Yannick Jadot’s campaign, which is struggling to be heard in public debate? “We’re on track, it will take off when it takes off. When it’s solid, there’s no reason it shouldn’t work,” reassures David Cormand.

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