In Pakistan, 26 million children will not go to school for a week due to heatwave

Half of Pakistan’s schoolchildren will not go to school for a week in anticipation of heatwave with high temperatures “from six to eight degrees” higher than seasonal norms, reported the non-governmental organization Save the Children on Thursday, May 23. “At least 26 million children in Punjab, Pakistan’s most populous province – 52% of primary and secondary school students – will not go to school from May 25 to 31”says the NGO.

The tests in exam classes will however be maintained, the authorities said, causing concern among parents because many schools are equipped with obsolete fans or suffer power cuts – up to fifteen hours a day in certain regions. .

Pakistani meteorological services announce several successive heat waves, the first at the end of May, then two others in June. Summer vacation usually begins on the 1ster June in the country, the fifth most populous nation in the world, but also one of the most vulnerable to climate change.

Rains killed 144 people in the country in April

Unicef, for its part, is calling for vigilance throughout South Asia, where, according to it, 76% of children – or 460 million – are exposed to temperatures above at least 35 degrees. 83 days a year. They risk “dehydration, fever, tachycardia, cramps, migraines, fainting and coma”underlines the UN agency, while urging parents to regularly offer water to their children to drink or to refresh their bodies.

Pakistan is increasingly vulnerable to extreme weather events, which scientists link to climate change. This poor country constantly repeats that its 240 million inhabitants (around 3% of the world’s population) are only responsible for less than 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

And many are worried about the future: the April rains have already killed at least 144 people, including dozens of children, when their houses collapsed in torrential downpours. But the monsoon – and its share of flooding, flash floods and damage – is due to arrive in July and will last until September.

In July and August, Syed Muhammad Tayyab Shah, an official with the natural disaster prevention service, has already announced, “Pakistan will experience above-normal rainfall and temperatures”.

Read also | In Pakistan, more than 140 deaths in April due to torrential rains

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