In Peru, Dina Boluarte asks the Parliament to advance the next elections to December 2023

Under popular pressure, Peruvian President Dina Boluarte asked Parliament to bring forward new general elections to December 2023. get the country out of the crisis.

In Peru, the protest movement is not weakening. The unrest began on December 7, 2022 after the dismissal and arrest of leftist President Pedro Castillo, accused of having attempted a coup d’etat by wanting to dissolve the Parliament which was preparing to oust him from power.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Peru, resumption of demonstrations against a backdrop of “authoritarian drift” of the Dina Boluarte regime

Pushed towards the exit door by demonstrators demanding her resignation, Dina Boluarte called on Tuesday for a “national truce”. The repression of the demonstrations has already left forty-six dead, for which Mme Boluarte denies any responsibility. The country’s attorney general has nevertheless opened an investigation against her for genocide and homicide, and a complaint for crimes against humanity was filed by Peruvian lawyers before the International Criminal Court on Monday, January 23.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Peru, the prosecution opens an investigation for “genocide” against President Dina Boluarte

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