In pictures, an impressive tornado kills one in the Netherlands



A tornado that formed in the town of Zierikzee in the southwest of the Netherlands killed one person.

A tornado killed at least one person and injured 10 on Monday in the coastal town of Zierikzee in the southwest of the Netherlands, emergency services said. The rare phenomenon tore off the roofs of four houses and caused the facade of one house to collapse, according to authorities in the province of Zeeland.

“Unfortunately the tornado left one person dead and the first elements report about ten other people injured”, indicates a press release from the same source, adding that “emergency services are still busy assessing the impact” of the tornado. “The damage is considerable in several streets of Zierikzee. In addition to the tiles and fallen trees, the roofs of four houses were torn off,” according to the authorities.

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In particular, tiles were torn by the wind from the roof of a church and trampolines flew into the air, described public television NOS. According to the local press, a tourist would have received a tile on the head, which would have killed her.

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Impressive pictures

Footage on social media showed debris being blown through the air by a swirling column of air and a large white funnel of clouds against a dark sky.

The emergency services called on the population not to approach the area so as not to complicate the work of the police and firefighters and because of the tiles and branches which could fall. The Netherlands experiences several tornadoes every year, but the last deadly one in the country was in 1992, according to NOS.

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