In solidarity with Ukraine, Warzone players use Yegor

While the situation in Ukraine is of the most worrying, Warzone players wanted to show their support for the Ukrainians in the game. Unable to bet on a calling card in the colors of Ukraine, they decided to use Yegor.

There are a number of calling cards in Warzone with flags, allowing you to pay tribute to different countries or show your support. However, some countries, such as Ukraine, are not included in this list.

Eager to show their support for the Ukrainian people, players have turned to another solution. They decided to use a Modern Warfare operator, Yegor, who is described as a Ukrainian national.

Warzone Players Use Ukrainian Operator To Show Solidarity

This idea started from a post on Reddit, which has since gone viral. “As there is no Ukrainian business card: you can use a Ukrainian operator to show some support”said the author of the publication.

For those unfamiliar with this operator, Yegor Novak was born in Ukraine in 1986, a few decades before joining the forces of Captain John Price and Kyle “Gaz” Garrick in 2019. He got his start as a Operator in Modern Warfare and since received over 22 skins.

Many players have come forward in the comments, welcoming the initiative of the author of the publication.


While many country flags are available for Warzone Calling Cards, Ukraine’s is not.

However, some players were more mixed, stating that they “understand the feeling”but that “this seems greatly unnecessary.”

Anyway, many gamers said they will be using the operator in the coming weeks, if only for “show some support.”

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