In Strasbourg, part of the presidential campaign in the European Parliament

A charge against the British over immigration. Decidedly, the United Kingdom, although out of the club, still remains at the heart of the EU. Within the precincts of parliament, the French president has referred to it on several occasions. In particular during a response to a muscular and very long intervention by the ecologist Yannick Jadot, who criticized the attitude of the French authorities towards the refugees in Calais, and in particular the actions of the police tearing down the tents of these unfortunate people.

Emmanuel Macron replied to him by insisting on the fact “that in Calais, France had a policy of responsibility and humanity”, before severely tackling the United Kingdom. “We cannot settle this subject in the end if the way of dealing with the subject of migration on the British side does not change”, he recalled, judging that “our neighbor remains in an early 1980s approach of having illegal labor migration accepted. The second thing is that they haven’t organized enough stable, legal ways to seek asylum.”

Which in itself is true, since under British Home Secretary Priti Patel all legal asylum routes have been closed, while controls around the Channel Tunnel are extremely tight. Refugees are therefore increasingly choosing the perilous route of crossing the sea in makeshift boats. At the end of November, 27 exiles drowned in the English Channel. Our reporter Gurvan Kristanadjaja tried to give them a face, a story, a life.

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