In Styria – the head of the hospital out of the hospital sees “mandatory vaccination” with skepticism

With a two-page letter to the Kages staff, the departing Styrian hospital boss Karlheinz Tscheliessnigg continues to pour fuel on the fire. He feels pushed out of office and criticizes the compulsory vaccination.

A week ago, Kages boss Karlheinz Tscheliessnigg had to take his hat off prematurely and hastily after he admitted that he was still not vaccinated against Covid. That was too much for the head of the country. On the same day, the long-standing CEO of Kages had to announce his retirement at the end of November – the contract would actually have run until 2023. In a farewell letter to his employees, he now writes that he was “forced” to make his vaccination status public and “An ongoing discussion about myself in this heated situation would have caused a lot of damage to the company”. The “critical spirit” means that no “compulsory vaccination” but “conviction would have been the better way.” Tscheliessnigg also writes: “I remember times when reflection and discussion were still valid in science, different opinions and different approaches were not sacrilege. The greatest weapon is human reason. In recent months, however, I have missed the sensible self-protection, the safe handling of the virus in dealing with this pandemic, even with those who have already been vaccinated. ”The letter made public on Saturday by the Styrian Freedom Party, who are in their standpoint Feeling confirmed: “This letter clearly shows that a board member was evidently pushed out of office because of his own opinion, which was unpleasant for the black-red state government. We at liberty condemn such behavior towards employees with different views in the strongest possible terms, ”said Marco Triller, Member of the State Parliament.
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